Password Settings

The default password requirements for a user on TouchPoint are as follows:

  • Must be at least 7 characters long

  • Must contain at least one special character (i.e. a mark of punctuation)

However, the church Admin can vary the requirements by modifying the following settings:

  • Password Min Length - enter a number, such as 7

  • Password Require One Number - True or False

  • Password Require One Upper - True or False

  • Password Require Special Character - True or False

To find these setings, navigate to Admin > Advanced > Settings > System > Security.

So, to recap, the length can vary based on the number you enter as the minimum length; you can determine whether or not to require a number, an upper case letter, or a special character.

Security As a security precaution we have the following settings in place:

The maximum invalid password attempts is 15. After 10 minutes, the Failed Password Attempt Count is reset.


For additional security, consider enabling Two Factor Authentication (2FA).