Attendance Types

TouchPoint uses Involvements and Meetings to track an individual’s participation (attendance) in church activities. When a person attends a meeting, the system will assign an Attend Type for that meeting. These are based on several factors that are different for Members and Guests.

All Involvement Members have a Member Type and Member Types have Attend Types associated with them.


Each database has a set of Member Types, some of which have Attend Types that cannot be changed. That is because they have special functions, as you will see below. However, the church’s TouchPoint Admin can create new Member Types if needed and set the Attend Type for those, and can change the Attend Types for any others that are not hard-coded.

Attend Types Based on the Person’s Member Type


Everyone with a Member Type of Member will also have an Attend Type of Member. Also, certain other Member Types (such as Student Worker) may have been created and set by the System Admin to also have a Member Attend Type.


Certain Member Types (such as Teacher, Director, etc.) are considered to be Leaders and will have an Attend Type of Leader.


An Attend Type of Leader is required for a lay user to be able to access that class if they have OrgLeadersOnly role. It is also used to determine who receives Email Attendance Notices.


Members who normally cannot attend, but who are Members of the class in order to have a group that is responsible for ministering to them should be assigned the Homebound Member Type. This type has an Attend Type that is also Homebound. Homebound Members’ names will print on a roll sheet and can be marked present if/when they are able to attend.


This is used for those who teach in one class and want to maintain a connection to another class. For example: a woman teaches a 1st Grade class at 8:00 and her husband is enrolled in an Adult class at 8:00. She would be enrolled in the Adult class with a Member Type of In-Service, so that she will be included with the class for fellowship, emails, etc. Her Member Type in the 1st Grade Class would be Teacher. When she is marked present in the class she teaches, her Attend Type will be Leader. She will automatically be assigned an Attend Type of In-Service in the Adult class. In the Attendance History grid and on the meeting page for her Adult class she will have a 1 in the Other Attend column.


This Attend Type works very similarly to In-Service. However, in this case the person would have a Member Type of Member in their Adult (or primary) class and would have a Member Type of VIP or Volunteer in the class in which they occasionally serve. The difference between this and In-Service is that the volunteer normally attends their primary class, but once or twice a month, they serve as a volunteer in the nursery, for example. For the meetings when they volunteer, they should not be marked present in their primary class, as the system will assign an Other Attend and an Attend Type of Volunteer in that class, when they are marked present where they volunteer. This lets their teacher know they were on campus and serving elsewhere. Their Attend Type in the class in which they volunteer would also be Volunteer. The letter V will display in the Attendance String.

In the image below this volunteer served one week (as a VIP), and was marked present where she volunteered. Another week, she was marked present in her primary class. In the class where she was not marked present, you see an Other Attend.


Attend Types Based on Other factors


This is based on a person’s enrollment in an Involvement that is flagged as an Offsite Trip and has a Start and End date. When a person is enrolled in an Offsite Trip Involvement and there are meetings that occur during that date range for any other Involvements in which they are enrolled, they will be marked as having an Other Attend with an Attend Type of Offsite. The letter O will display in the Attendance String.

Example: Nick is enrolled in a Sunday morning Volunteer Involvement and a Sunday night Life Group. He is also going on a mission trip and will be gone over a Sunday. Notice he was automatically flagged as Offsite in both of the classes he missed, and is not be marked present in either class.

Offsite Attendance

Visiting Member

This Attend Type is assigned when a person who is a member in one Involvement attends a meeting for another Involvement that has the same Schedule for the same day. His attendance string for the Involvement in which he is a member will have an asterisk for that meeting, the Attend Type for that meeting will be Other Class and his Attendance History will indicate an Other Attend. His Attend Type in the meeting where he visited will be Visiting Member.

Visiting Member

New Guest

This is the Attend Type that is given to a person who does not fit any of the other scenarios above. In other words, he is a Guest in an Involvement, has not attended that Involvement before, and is not enrolled in other Involvements in that Program.

Recent Guest

This Attend Type is assigned to a person for their subsequent visits after his first one to an Involvement.


If a meeting is a Group/Headcount meeting, every Member who is not specifically marked present is assigned an Attend Type of Group. This will not affect (either good or bad) a Member’s Attendance Percentage. Anyone with an Attend Type of Group will NOT be considered absent and will not display on a Visits/Absents report.


If you correctly assign Member Types and set Involvements as Offsite Trips with date ranges when appropriate, you should never mark a person present in a class unless he is actually in the class. His attendance will be recorded correctly in the Involvement in which he is a Member, and his attendance percentage in that class will ignore the meetings for which he has an Other Attend. In other words, his attendance percentage will not be negatively affected when he serves outside his class.

Latest Update


Updated Visiting Member and Involvement terminology