Days Since Last Note

This Condition, located on the Tasks and Notes category tab, allows you to find people who have not had a Note in the number of days you specify. This will return only those who actually already have a Note recorded on their people record. There is another Condition (Has Notes) that will help you find those who do not have a Note at all.

Use Case - Recent Guests

One use case could be finding those who visited in the past 30 days, but who have not had a Note in the past 7 days. You would combine this Condition with the Condition Recent Attendance Type to find those with an Attendance Type of New Guest or Recent Guest in the past 30 days, but who have not had a Note in the past 7 days.

Remember, it returns only those with a Note already recorded, just not one during the specified number of days. This Condition is designed to help you continue your follow-up with your guests.

This is the code using both Conditions mentioned in the Use Case.

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