Join Type

This Condition located on the Membership category tab in Search Builder is looking at the Join Type on a person’s Profile > Membership tab. If you are using the Membership Process in TouchPoint, there are a number of Membership statuses and types that will get set automatically once you record the Decision Type (and date), otherwise, you will have to record each one manually.

The Value is a option that you select using the drop down menu.

The standard Join Types are as follows (these can be different for your database if your Admin has changed them):

  • Baptism BIO Biological Baptism - child who make a Profession of Faith and who has parents who have been members more than a year

  • Baptism POF Baptized after making a Profession of Faith

  • Baptism SRB Joined from another denomination and required baptism

  • Letter Joined from another church, but had an accepted baptism

  • Statement Joined having had an accepted baptism elsewhere

  • Unknown This usually is due to a database conversion and the Join Type was not known.This should not be used for new members.


You can also find Decision information (and drill down to the details in Search Builder) from the Decision Summary Report.