Need Attendance

This Condition located on the Recent Attendance category tab in Search Builder will find those Leaders who have not recorded attendance for their organizations. This will only look for active orgs and those with a Schedule.

Use Case - Weekly Off-Campus Life Groups

If you have off-campus groups that meet each week, you might give the responsibility of recording the attendance to the secretaries or teachers of those classes - perhaps using a smart phone and the TouchPoint app. With this search, the day after the meeting, you can email those who have not recorded their attendance reminding them to do so. A schedule on the organization is required for this Condition.

Select the Member Type for the leader that is responsible for the attendance. This would normally be Teacher, Leader, Secretary. You can select One Of and then select multiple Member Types.

Enter the number representing the day the class meets (based on their Schedule) using the following codes: 0 = Sun; 1 = Mon; 2 = Tue; etc.

Enter the number of days to look back for attendance. For example: enter 1 if you run the search on Monday in order to find meetings from Sunday without attendance.

Select the Program and Division containing these organizations.

Once you run the search, you can email those in the results, asking for their attendance to be recorded or to reply and let you know that they did not meet that week.


If your groups meet on different days of the week, create and save searches for each day of the week that they meet. Then run the searches each week on the appropriate day. This can save you a lot time making phone calls, as you will send one email to everyone that needs to enter attendance for that day. If you get zero results, then everyone did their jobs!