.. done Tracking Tasks and Notes ======================== Within TouchPoint are several places that Tasks and Notes are displayed. We have search pages for Tasks & Notes. The search page has filters to help you find various types of Notes and Tasks as well as finding them based on their status, and more. Using the search page is the easiest way to keep track of Tasks and Notes. In order to view all Tasks and not just those to which you are connected, you will need the user role `ManageTouchpoints`. .. seealso:: :doc:`TaskNoteSearch` Search Builder also has conditions to help you find those with Incomplete Assigned Tasks or Incomplete About Tasks. Automated emails are sent to keep the Owner and Assignee informed of changes. These can be found under `Administration > Communication > Email Templates`. They are assigned the role **SystemEmailTemplates** and can be customized by an Admin. Template names are as follows: - System Task Assigned - System Task Accepted - System Task Declined - System Task - System Task Completed .. Note:: Do not change or delete any replacement codes in the templates, as functionality will be affected. Codes included are {name}, {taskName}, {createdDate}, {taskStatus}, {aboutPerson}, {ownerPerson}, and {assigneePerson}. .. seealso:: :doc:`Tasks` Email Notifications: - After the initial task notification is sent to the Assignee and the **Owner** of a Task makes a change to the Task (such as adding Notes), the **Assignee is sent an email** notifying them that the Task has changed. - When the **Assignee** accepts and later completes the Task, the **Task Owner is sent an email**. - The Task remains in the **list of Tasks of the Owner on the Task Search page** (not on their Home Page Tasks) until the Assignee completes it. - The Task remains on the **Home Page of the Assignee** (under My Task List) until he completes it. - The Incomplete Task will display on the `Touchpoints > About` tab of the person about whom the Task was created (the About person). - It will show who is responsible for the Task (the Assignee) and show the status of Incomplete. - The Incomplete Task will also display on the `Touchpoints > Owned By / Assigned To` tab of the person who is assigned the Task. - Once the Task is completed, the status will change to Completed and still display on the `Touchpoints > About` tab of the about person and on the `Touchpoints > Owned By / Assigned To` tab of the Assignee. - In order for a Task to be completed, the Assignee will have to **complete a Note**. - The completed Note will be listed on the Assignee’s `Touchpoints > Owned By / Assigned To` tab. The Note will also display on the About person's `Touchpoints > About` tab. - The `Tasks & Notes Search` page will allow you to filter for any Notes that have been entered. - The `Tasks & Notes Search` page allows you to filter for your Tasks (whether you are the Creator, Owner, or the Assignee). - The `Tasks & Notes Search` page allows a user with `ManageTouchpoints` role to view all Tasks. .. seealso:: :doc:`TaskNoteSearch` Using Search Builder to Track Incomplete Tasks ---------------------------------------------- You can also use the Tasks & Notes Search page to find Incomplete Tasks. To view Tasks for which you have no connection, you must have the ManageTouchpoints role. .. seealso:: :doc:`TaskNoteSearch` Incomplete Assigned Tasks If you are not the Owner of the Task, but are responsible for the Tasks created by someone else for your ministry, you can find which Tasks are incomplete and who they were assigned to by using Search Builder. .. seealso:: :doc:`../SearchBuilder/QB-HasIncompleteTask` Step 1 Go to `People > Search Builder > New` and add the Condition `Has Incomplete Task`. Enter either part of the `Task Name / Subject` or the `Task Owner's name`. This will give you a list of the Assigneess who have been assigned a Task (fitting the text you enter), but have not yet completed it. Leave the field `blank` to find all Assignees with incomplete assigned Tasks. Step 2 Click the name of any individual in the list to open that person's record in another tab in your browser (leaving your search intact). Go to the `Touchpoints > Owned By / Assigned To` tab where any incomplete tasks assigned to that person will display at the top of the list. Return to the browser tab with your search and continue clicking on names to look at their incomplete Tasks. .. note:: When you click on the person's name, if a new browser tab does not open, go to your user login in the top right of the window and make sure that `Open Person in New Tab` is selected. .. tip:: If you know a specific individual who has been assigned Tasks and you want to see if they have completed them, just go directly to their people record, `Touchpoints > Owned By / Assigned To` tab. The incomplete tasks will display at the top of the list. Incomplete Tasks About You can also use Search Builder to find individuals about whom there are assigned Tasks, but those Tasks have not been completed. .. seealso:: :doc:`../SearchBuilder/QB-HasTaskWithName` Step 1 Go to `People > Search Builder > New` and add the Condition `Has Task With Name`. Enter either part of the `Task Name / Subject` or the `Task About Person's' name`. This will give you a list of the people about whom someone has been assigned a Task (fitting the text your enter), but has not yet completed it. Leave the field `blank` to find all people about whom there is an incomplete Task. Step 2 Click the name of any individual in the list to open that person's record in another tab in your browser (leaving your search intact). Go to the `Touchpoints > About` tab where any incomplete tasks about that person will display at the top of the list. Return to the browser tab with your search and continue clicking on names to look at their incomplete Tasks About. | | +--------------------+------------------+ | **Latest Update** | **3/28/2022** | +--------------------+------------------+ Added information about automated emails