Morning Worship Chart ===================== This Python script will create a line graph based on your church's Sunday Morning Worship attendance. The graph will display each week's meeting count. Sample Report .. figure:: :target: # Create Morning Worship Script ----------------------------- Step 1 Go to `Administration > Setup > Special Content` and select the `Python Scripts` tab. Step 2 Click the green `+ New Python Script File` button and enter the name of the file as ``MorningWorship`` and press `Submit`. Step 3 Copy all of the code below and then paste it into the new script file and press the blue `Save Python Script` button. Step 4 Change the Program ID # from 1106 to whatever Program contains the Organizations where you capture your Worship attendance. This is on line 14 in the code. ``WHERE d.OrgId = m.OrganizationId AND p.ProgId = 1106 )`` Also, you will need to make sure the start date is correct for the current year. See line 16 and note the date is 1/1/18. Change it to the start date for the 12 month period you want to report. ``WHERE tt.hh > 1 AND tt.hh <= 12 AND ss >= '1/1/18' AND tt.HeadCount > 0`` .. note:: You can find the Program ID # by going to Administration > Organizations > Programs. Use the ID# beside the Program you use for your Worship attendance. Step 5 Run the script and then click Add Report to Menu. This will put a link to the graph under Reports in the main menu. .. code:: Python model.Header = 'Morning Worship' data = q.SqlNameCountArray("Sunday", ''' SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR, ss, 111) Name, SUM(HeadCount) Cnt FROM ( SELECT HeadCount, dbo.SundayForDate(MeetingDate) ss, DATEDIFF(HOUR, dbo.SundayForDate(MeetingDate), MeetingDate) hh FROM dbo.Meetings m WHERE EXISTS( SELECT NULL FROM dbo.DivOrg d JOIN dbo.ProgDiv p ON p.DivId = d.DivId WHERE d.OrgId = m.OrganizationId AND p.ProgId = 1106 ) ) tt WHERE tt.hh > 1 AND tt.hh <= 12 AND ss >= '1/1/18' AND tt.HeadCount > 0 GROUP BY ss ORDER BY ss ''') model.Script = ''' '''.replace("@data", data) print "
" | | +--------------------+------------------+ | **Latest Update** | **11/13/2020** | +--------------------+------------------+ Modify image link with secure protocol.