Average Attendance For Organizations ==================================== This script shows the average attendance for the meetings for each organizations in the time period specified. It can be run from the blue Toolbar on the Organization > Search page and will ask for a date range. Sample Report .. figure:: https://i.tpsdb.com/./2018-01-25_14-43-54.png :target: # The recommended name is ``AverageAttendanceForOrgs`` Use the following code to Create the SQL Script. See :doc:`../CreateSqlScript`. .. code-block:: sql --class=StartEndReport ;WITH meets AS ( SELECT m.OrganizationId ,Attended = m.MaxCount ,m.MeetingDate FROM Meetings m JOIN dbo.Organizations o ON o.OrganizationId = m.OrganizationId WHERE m.OrganizationId IN (SELECT Value FROM dbo.SplitInts(@orgids)) AND MeetingDate >= @MeetingDate1 AND MeetingDate < DATEADD(HOUR, 24, @MeetingDate2) AND m.MaxCount > 0 ) SELECT m.OrganizationId ,p.Name Program ,d.Name Division ,o.OrganizationName ,o.LeaderName ,[Attends] = SUM(Attended) ,[Meetings] = COUNT(*) ,[AvgAttends] = AVG(m.Attended) --,[AvgAttends] = AVG(CONVERT(FLOAT, Attended)) FROM meets m JOIN dbo.Organizations o ON o.OrganizationId = m.OrganizationId LEFT JOIN dbo.Division d ON d.Id = o.DivisionId LEFT JOIN dbo.Program p ON p.Id = d.ProgId GROUP BY m.OrganizationId, d.Name, p.Name, OrganizationName, o.LeaderName --HAVING o.LeaderName IS NOT NULL ORDER BY p.Name, d.Name, o.OrganizationName | | +--------------------+------------------+ | **Latest Update** | **11/13/2020** | +--------------------+------------------+ Modify image link with secure protocol.