Member Type in Org ================== This report allows you to specify an Organization Member Type in the script and then run the report from the blue Toolbar on the Organization > Search page for a filtered list of Orgs. Notice in the sample below, that this is a great report to use when you need to easily find out which Organizations do not have someone with that specific Member Type. .. figure:: :target: # Sample Report Use the following code to Create the SQL Script. See :doc:`../CreateSqlScript`. In the script below, the top DECLARE statement is where you will enter the specified Member Type. In our example, the Member Type in the Org is `Missions Leader`. Just replace Missions Leader with the appropriate Member Type. .. note:: You can create multiple scripts if you need them for more than only Member Type and name them appropriately. In the sample, the name of the script is **MissionsLeaderInOrg**. If you plan to add this to the Org Search Toolbar, you will want to include in the name of the script the Member Type you used. .. code-block:: sql DECLARE @membertype VARCHAR(50) = 'Missions Leader' SELECT LinkForNext = '/Org/' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(25), o.OrganizationId) ,o.OrganizationName ,LinkForNext = '/Person2/' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(25), p.PeopleId) ,Name = p.Name2 ,om.MemberType FROM dbo.Organizations o LEFT JOIN dbo.CurrOrgMembers(@orgids) om ON o.OrganizationId = om.OrganizationId AND om.MemberType = @membertype LEFT JOIN dbo.People p ON p.PeopleId = om.PeopleId WHERE o.OrganizationId IN (SELECT Value FROM dbo.SplitInts(@orgids)) ORDER BY o.OrganizationName, p.Name2 | | +--------------------+------------------+ | **Latest Update** | **11/13/2020** | +--------------------+------------------+ Modify image link with secure protocol.