.. done Using Envelope Numbers ====================== If your church had envelope numbers in their former church management system, these will be converted and will display as `Adhoc Extra Values` in your TouchPoint database. You can actually use those numbers as you enter contributions in TouchPoint by using a simple code. When recording contributions in `Post Bundle/Edit`, instead of entering the People ID# to find a person’s record, you can type the letter ``e`` followed by the old envelope number. Those of you who like using the number pad, can enter ``-`` (a minus sign) instead of the letter ``e``. .. admonition:: Example John Smith’s Envelope Number is 175 and his People ID # is 2589, so you can type either ``e175`` or ``–175`` or ``2589`` to find his record to post his contributions. Any of these will work if his old envelope number is an Adhoc Extra Value on his record. .. seealso:: :doc:`PostBundle_Index` .. important:: Remember, if you are going to continue using these envelope numbers, you will need to add that `Adhoc Extra Value` on the record of anyone who is assigned envelopes after your database conversion. This also applies to those churches using the boxed sets with the year’s supply of envelopes, instead of mailed sets that would use the People ID #. You will need to add the `Adhoc Extra Value` ``EnvelopeNumber`` and then enter the number for the envelope set. The name of the Adhoc Extra Value is `EnvelopeNumber` and the type is `Integer`. .. admonition:: Mailed Envelope Sets If you upload a file to an envelope service such as Lifeway, you will be able to begin using the People ID#s for posting contributions in TouchPoint. This is easier, in that you do not have to manually manage the envelope numbers. When you upload your first file after the conversion, the number on the envelope will be the person's People ID #. However, the feature using Adhoc Extra Values will get you through the transition period. .. seealso:: :doc:`MailedEnvelopeSets` Create an Adhoc Extra Value for EnvelopeNumber ---------------------------------------------- Step 1 Go to the person's record. Click `Profile > Extra Values` and then click `Show Adhoc Values`. Step 2 Then click the green `Add Extra Value` button. Step 3 Create the Adhoc Extra Value as follows: - Select the `Type` ``Integer``. - Enter the `Name` ``EnvelopeNumber``. - Enter the `Integer Value`, which is the actual envelope number. - Click the blue `Save` button. .. figure:: https://i.tpsdb.com/2016-06-01_09-18-59.png :target: # To Edit an Adhoc Extra Value ---------------------------- Step 1 Go to the person's record. Click `Profile > Extra Values` and then click the `Show Adhoc Values` button. Step 2 Click the `value` beside the `EnvelopeNumber` and replace the current number with the new envelope number. Step 3 Click the blue `check mark` to save the change. Clicking the `x` will cancel the change. To Delete/Remove an Individual Adhoc Extra Value ------------------------------------------------ Step 1 Go to the person's record. Click `Profile > Extra Values` and then click the `Show Adhoc Values` button. Step 2 Click the red `Delete` button to the right of the Adhoc Extra Value. To Find Everyone with an EnvelopeNumber Extra Value --------------------------------------------------- Step 1 Go to `Reports` in the header and select `Extra Values Summary` and select `People`. This opens the report for all Extra Values that are on people records. .. figure:: https://i.tpsdb.com/2016-06-02_09-39-52.png :target: # .. note:: You can click `Standardize` if you want this EnvelopeNumber Extra Value to appear on the record of everyone in your database. You can also click the red `Delete` button to remove the extra values, if you no longer need them. For example: If you use an envelope service as described above, you will no longer need the EnvelopeNumber Extra Value. .. seealso:: :doc:`../ExtraValues/index` Step 2 Click the link for `EnvelopeNumber`. This will open a Search Builder search which the results being everyone who has that Extra Value. Use Envelope Number on Contribution Statement --------------------------------------------- By default, the donor's people ID # will print on the contribution statement. However, if you have Extra Values for envelope numbers, you can have the number print on the statement instead. Add the Setting `PrintEnvelopeNumberOnStatement` with the value set to **true**. .. seealso:: - :doc:`../Administration/Setting_Index` - :doc:`../Finance/ContributionStatements` | | +--------------------+------------------+ | **Latest Update** | **11/13/2020** | +--------------------+------------------+ Modify image link with secure protocol.