.. done Basic Search Builder Searches ============================= Below are some videos with ideas to help you build some basic searches in order to better communicate with your target audience. If you click the embedded video below each of the other short videos will play following it as part of the **Building Searches in Search Builder** playlist. Short Instructional Videos about Search Builder ----------------------------------------------- Click below to begin viewing this series of short videos. Or you can click an individual title to view only that video. .. raw:: html `Adding Conditions `_ See in 1 minute how simple it is to add Conditions to your searches. `Saving Searches `_ Learn how to save searches so you can run them over and over. `Members who Joined during a Date Range `_ See how easy it is to find not only how many people joined during a date range, but also who they are and be able to communicate with them. `Convert to Search `_ TouchPoint has quite a few places within the software that you can click a link to have a list converted on-the-fly to a search in Search Builder. This video shows you where to find these and how they work. `Newsletter Search for Adult Church Members `_ This search finds adults who are church members, and who still live in the local area. `Newsletter Search-Expanded `_ This starts with the previous search, but adds a group in order to include non-members of the church who are enrolled in a Life Group or who have visited recently. `Multiple Groups in a Single Search `_ In this video, we build a more complex search with what we refer to as groups. One section matches every Condition in the group and the next section matches any one of the Conditions in the group. `Teachers in Several Divisions `_ This search is based on a condition that looks at the person's Member Type within a specific Program and Division. In this case, we want to find Teachers in any of 4 different divisions. `Prospects that Attended VBS `_ This search looks for children that attended VBS at least once, are not enrolled in a Life Group, and do not have an adult family member who is a church member. We have a help article for every Condition in Search Builder that explains how to use that particular Condition. .. seealso:: :doc:`../SearchBuilder/index`