.. done Meetings / Attendance (date range) ================================== For this report, you specify a date or a date range. The report lists every meeting for every organization that is included in your filtered list. If you do not use any filters, you will get a report for all of your organizations that have meetings during the date range. There are 2 versions of this report and both are accessed from the cloud icon on the blue `Toolbar` when you are on the `Organizations > Search / Manage` page. Excel Export Opens directly in Excel or Numbers Report Opens in your browser Run the Report -------------- Step 1 Use the filters to get a list of organizations to include in the report. Step 2 From the blue `Toolbar` under the cloud icon, select `Meetings/Attendance > Meetings/Attendance (date range)` for the Excel/Numbers version, or `Reports > Meetings/Attendance (date range)` for the onscreen Report version. Step 3 Select the `date range` using the calendar. Click `Run`. .. note:: If you want the report for a single date, select only a start date. Here's what the Report looks like when run for a date range. Notice that the report is sorted by the organization name, with one row for each meeting for each class during the date range, and with the meetings sorted by the most recent date. The Excel/Numbers export contains the same information. It just opens in Excel instead of in your browser. .. figure:: https://i.tpsdb.com/2014-08-23_18-20-04.png :target: # Report .. tip:: If you select the Excel Export, you can use Excel's Subtotal feature to get the average attendance by class. Here's how to use Excel Subtotal: Step 1 Click on the `Data` tab in Excel & select `Subtotal` Step 2 Select the settings as follows: | - At each change in `Leader` | - Use Function `Average` | - Add subtotal to `Present` | - Click `OK` .. figure:: https://i.tpsdb.com/hope.1203040754.SubtotalDialog.png :target: # Subtotal This will put 3 summary buttons on the left of the spreadsheet - Click 1 to see just the Grand Average - Click 2 to see the Summary Averages - Click 3 to see all Organizations and all Meetings .. note:: Your version of Excel may be different than the one used for the screenshot. If so, use the Help tab in Excel to find out more about creating Subtotals. .. seealso:: :doc:`OrgSearch_Index` | | +--------------------+------------------+ | **Latest Update** | **11/13/2020** | +--------------------+------------------+ Modify image link with secure protocol.