Tasks & Notes Search Page¶
The Tasks & Notes Search page is a list of all Tasks and Notes created in TouchPoint. To access this page, navigate to People > Tasks & Notes. A user can view any Task for which he is one of the following:
Exception: See Special Roles
The About person will not see Tasks that are about him or her unless he or she is the Owner of the Task.
By design, this page will only show 100 results per page. If you plan to export tasks & notes, you will only be able to export in increments of 100 or less (depending on how many are on the page).
Special Roles - ManageTouchpoints & ViewPrivateTouchpoints
The Admin can assign the user role ManageTouchpoints to anyone that needs to be able to monitor and view all Tasks & Notes, regardless of whether or not the user is associated with them.
This role would be good to assign to a pastor that is over several ministers or ministries, in order to easily keep up with Tasks that are incomplete.
The Admin can also assign the role ViewPrivateTouchpoints to anyone that needs to be able to view all Tasks & Notes, regardless of role restrictions.
A person with the ManageTouchpoints role might want to use the Advanced Search and set the filters as follows:
Type: Pending
Created From: 7 Days Ago
Created To: Today
This allows the minister to access the Tasks & Notes Search Page during a weekly staff meeting to report on any Tasks that have yet to be completed from the previous week.
See below for the Actions you can perform on this page.
By default, when you arrive at this page, you will be viewing All Tasks and Notes. We have provided some quick filters at the top of the page to easily view only Open Tasks or only Closed Tasks & Notes.
This page has a number of ways to filter the list of Tasks and Notes. To access the advanced search and filter options, click on the down arrow to the right of the Search bar.

Task Search Filters¶
- Keywords
Select the appropriate Keyword(s) from the drop-down list.
- People Involved
There will be up to 4 people involved in each Task. They are listed and identified below.
Owner - In many cases, this will be the same as the Creator. Otherwise, it will be to whom the Task was transferred, if it has been transferred.
Assignee - This is the person that has been assigned to complete the Task.
About - This is the person about whom the Task was created, i.e. the person that will receive the ministry touch.
Creator - If the Task ownership has been transferred.
- Campus
Select the Campus to filter for Tasks or Notes in which the About Person(s) is associated with the specified Campus.
- Dates
Created - Select the Start Date and End Date to filter for Tasks and Notes created within a specific time period. You may also specify only a Start Date to filter for Tasks and Notes that have been created since that date. Specify only an End Date to see Tasks and Notes created through that date.
Due - Select the Start date and End Date to filter for Tasks due within a specific time period. You may also specify only a Start Date to filter for Tasks that are due after that date. Specify only an End Date to see Tasks due through that date. Tasks without a Due Date will appear in the filtered list.
- Role
Select the appropriate Role from the drop down list to filter for Tasks/Notes limited to that Role. Not all of your church’s Roles will appear in this list, just those that are indicated in the LimitToRolesForTasksNotes Setting, located by navigating to Admin > Advanced > Settings > Features > Tasks & Notes.
If you include multiple roles in the LimitToRolesForTasksNotes Setting, be sure to separate them by a comma and do not leave any spaces before or after any role in the list.
- Type
Select the appropriate Type from the dropdown list.
Complete - The ministry assignment has been done; the Task is complete. You will also see the Notes about the Completed Task.
Pending - Assignee has not yet accepted or declined the Task.
Accepted - Assignee has accepted the Task.
Declined - Assignee has declined the Task.
Note - This will allow you to filter for only the Notes, filtering out the Tasks.
Archived - This will filter for those Tasks and Notes that have been archived.
Quick Search¶
As an alternative to the Advanced Search, you may type directly into the Search Bar to utilize the powerful Quick Search feature. Your results will update on the page as you type, while it searches the database. For example, you may type any of the following options to quickly filter the page:
Owner’s Name
Assignee’s Name
About Person’s Name
Task Status
Partial Task/Note Details
Due Date
Easy Access¶
The Tasks & Notes Search page has easy access to the following:
People Record - Click the Assignee’s Name, Owner’s Name, or About Person’s Name to navigate to his/her People Record.
Creation Details - Click on the Due Date / Event Date to obtain more information about the Task/Note Creator and the Date the Task/Note was Created.
Task/Note Details - Click the Sideways Arrow at the end of the line for a Task/Note that contains more information than what is displayed on the screen.
This page offers several actions regarding the Tasks you are viewing. Anyone with Access can perform these actions for his own Tasks…or for other Tasks, if he has the role ManageTouchpoints. You will notice a menu available on the upper right-hand side of the Task/Note. When clicked, you may have access to these items:

- Edit
This option allows you to make changes to the Task or Note.
There are several rules that govern when and who can edit tasks or notes:
You can edit a Pending or Accepted Task at any time if you are the Task Owner.
You can edit a Completed Task within 24 hours of completion if you are the Task Owner.
You can edit the Note within 24 hours of creation if you are the Note Creator.
You cannot edit a Task if you are not the Task Owner.
You cannot edit a Note if you are not the Creator.
After 24 hours of a Task or Note being completed/created, only those with the Admin or ManageTouchPoints role can edit the Task or Note.
- Accept
For Pending and Declined Tasks, you will have the option to Accept them, indicating that you have the intention of completing them. This is typically done when you receive the Task assignment.
- Decline
For Pending and Accepted Tasks, you have the ability to Decline them. When declining a Task, you will be able to include a reason for not being able to complete the Task. This will be emailed to the Task Owner.
- Complete
For Pending, Accepted, and Declined Tasks, you may Complete them. When completing a Task, you will be able to include details about the visit/conversation you had. The Date will automatically be set to today, but you may indicate a different date; finally, complete any Extra Questions associated with this particular Task.
- Create Follow-Up Task
For Completed Tasks and Notes, you may create a Follow-Up Task. The Follow-Up Task will be linked with the original Task/Note.
Mass Actions¶
By checking the box to the left of the Task/Note Details and then selecting the small down arrow at the top of the page (to the left of the search bar), you may take several mass actions:
- Assign
Assign the selected Task(s) to a particular individual
- Complete
Mark the selected Task(s) as Complete. If you have several Tasks that you have actually completed, but have not marked Completed, you can do that as a batch process.
- Archive
Archive the selected Task(s). You can archive older Tasks so they will not display unless you specifically check the box to view them.
- Delete
Delete the selected Tasks / Notes. If you have created Tasks/Notes in error or as a test, you can delete those items.
There are several rules that govern when and who can delete tasks or notes:
You can delete a Task or Note if you are the Owner/Creator and it is within 24 hours of completion/creation.
After 24 hours of a Task or Note being completed/created, only those with the ManageTouchpoints or Admin role can delete the Task or Note.
You cannot delete a Task or Note if it is about you.
You cannot delete a Task if it is assigned to you.
You cannot delete a Task that has a Follow-Up Task associated with it. The Follow-Up Task would need to be deleted first, then you can delete the original Task.
- Add Keywords
Add keywords to the selected Tasks / Notes.
- Export to Excel
Export the selected Tasks / Notes to Excel, which will include keyword questions and answers data.
- Unarchive
Unarchive the selected Tasks / Notes.
See also
Latest Update |
04/24/2023 |
Added information about the search page being limited to 100 results.