- model.AddBackgroundCheck(peopleId, code, submitType, type, label, sSSN, sDLN, sPlusCounty, sPlusState, sPackageName)¶
- Parameters:
peopleId (int) – The person’s ID
code (str) – The background check package code
submitType (str) – The submission type (default: “PII”)
type (int) – The background check type (default: 1)
label (int) – The background check label (default: 0)
sSSN (str) – Optional social security number
sDLN (str) – Optional driver’s license number
sPlusCounty (str) – Optional county for county-level checks
sPlusState (str) – Optional state for state-level checks
sPackageName (str) – Optional package name
- Returns:
The ID of the created background check
- Return type:
Creates and submits a background check for a person.
- model.AddPerson(firstname, nickname, lastname, email, marital, gender, familymemberid)¶
- Parameters:
firstname (str) – The person’s first name
nickname (str) – The person’s nickname
lastname (str) – The person’s last name
email (str) – The person’s email address
marital (int) – The marital status ID (default: 0)
gender (int) – The gender ID (default: 0)
familymemberid (int) – Optional family member ID
- Returns:
The ID of the newly created person
- Return type:
Creates a new person record in the database.
- model.AddRole(query, role)¶
- Parameters:
query (str) – see The Query Parameter
role (str) – The name of the role to be added to the persons in the query.
If a user does not exist, the user will be created. The user will have to use forgot password to be emailed a link to set their password. The role itself must exist, prior to calling this method.
The following roles will not be allowed: admin, manageapplication, backgroundcheck, creditcheck, delete, developer, finance, financeadmin, manager, manager2, membership, managetransactions, memberdocs,
- model.AddTag(query, tagName, ownerId, clear)¶
- Parameters:
query (str) – see The Query Parameter
tagName (str) – the name of the tag.
ownerId (str) – the PeopleId for the owner of the tag.
clear (bool) – if
and the tag already exists, it will first be cleared of previous content; default isFalse
The tag will be added to if it already exists.
- model.AgeInMonths(birthdate, asof)¶
- Parameters:
birthdate (date) – The birthdate.
asof (date) – The as of date.
This will return the age in months given the two dates. Fractional months are not considered.
- model.ArchiveRecords(query)¶
- Parameters:
query (str) – see The Query Parameter
Sets the ArchivedFlag to true for all people in the query.
- model.ClearTag(tagName, ownerId)¶
- Parameters:
tagName (str) – the name of the tag.
ownerId (str) – the PeopleId for the owner of the tag.
Removes the content of the tag.
- model.DeletePeople(query)¶
- Parameters:
query (str) – see The Query Parameter
Permanently deletes all people in the query. This function is restricted to users with the developer role.
- model.FindAddPeopleId(first, last, dob, email, phone, firstLastMatch)¶
- Parameters:
first (str) – First name
last (str) – Last name
dob (str) – Date of birth
email (str) – Email address
phone (str) – Phone number
firstLastMatch (bool) – If true, requires exact first and last name match (default: False)
- Returns:
The ID of the person that was found or created
- Return type:
Finds a person matching the provided information or creates a new person if no match is found. Returns the person’s ID.
- model.FindAddPerson(first, last, dob, email, phone, firstLastMatch)¶
- Parameters:
first (str) – First name
last (str) – Last name
dob (str) – Date of birth
email (str) – Email address
phone (str) – Phone number
firstLastMatch (bool) – If true, requires exact first and last name match (default: False)
- Returns:
The person object that was found or created
- Return type:
Finds a person matching the provided information or creates a new person if no match is found.
- model.FindPersonId(first, last, dob, email, phone)¶
- Parameters:
first (str) – First name
last (str) – Last name
dob (str) – Date of birth
email (str) – Email address
phone (str) – Phone number
- Returns:
The ID of the matching person, or null if no match is found
- Return type:
int or None
Finds a person matching the provided information and returns their ID, or null if no match is found.
- model.FindPersonId(fullName, dob, email, phone)¶
- Parameters:
fullName (str) – Full name (will be split into first and last)
dob (str) – Date of birth
email (str) – Email address
phone (str) – Phone number
- Returns:
The ID of the matching person, or null if no match is found
- Return type:
int or None
Finds a person matching the provided information and returns their ID, or null if no match is found. This overload accepts a full name instead of separate first and last names.
- model.FindPersonIdExtraValue(extraKey, extraValue)¶
- Parameters:
extraKey (str) – The extra value field name
extraValue (str) – The extra value to search for
- Returns:
The ID of the matching person, or null if no match is found
- Return type:
int or None
Finds a person with a matching extra value and returns their ID, or null if no match is found.
- model.FindPersonIdExtraValueInt(extraKey, extraValue)¶
- Parameters:
extraKey (str) – The extra value field name
extraValue (int) – The integer extra value to search for
- Returns:
The ID of the matching person, or null if no match is found
- Return type:
int or None
Finds a person with a matching integer extra value and returns their ID, or null if no match is found.
- model.GetAuthenticatedUrl(person, url, shorten)¶
- Parameters:
person (Person) – The person object
url (str) – The URL to authenticate
shorten (bool) – Whether to shorten the URL (default: True)
- Returns:
An authenticated URL that will automatically log in the specified person
- Return type:
Creates an authenticated URL that will automatically log in the specified person.
- model.GetAuthenticatedUrl(peopleId, url, shorten)¶
- Parameters:
peopleId (int) – The person’s ID
url (str) – The URL to authenticate
shorten (bool) – Whether to shorten the URL (default: True)
- Returns:
An authenticated URL that will automatically log in the specified person
- Return type:
Creates an authenticated URL that will automatically log in the specified person.
- model.GetPerson(pid)¶
- Parameters:
pid (int) – The person’s ID
- Returns:
The person object
- Return type:
Retrieves a person by their ID.
- model.GetPerson(peopleId)¶
- Parameters:
peopleId (int) – The person’s ID
- Returns:
The person object
- Return type:
Retrieves a person by their ID. This overload returns a different person object type than the other GetPerson method.
- model.GetSpouse(pid)¶
- Parameters:
pid (int) – The person’s ID
- Returns:
The spouse’s person object, or null if the person has no spouse
- Return type:
Retrieves a person’s spouse by the person’s ID.
- model.PeopleIds(query)¶
- Returns:
a list of PeopleIds from a query
- Return type:
an enumerable list of int
- Parameters:
query (str) – See The Query Parameter
pids = model.PeopleIds("") for pid in pids: p = model.GetPerson(pid) print p.Name
- model.RemoveRole(query, role)¶
- Parameters:
query (str) – see The Query Parameter
role (str) – The name of the role to be removed from the persons in the query.
- model.UnArchiveRecords(query)¶
- Parameters:
query (str) – see The Query Parameter
Sets the ArchivedFlag to false for all people in the query.
- model.UpdateAllSpouseId()¶
Updates the SpouseId field for all people in the database. This function is restricted to users with the developer role.
- model.UpdateCampus(query, campus)¶
- Parameters:
query (str) – see The Query Parameter
campus (int,str) – The CampusId or the campus name (use exact spelling to match an existing campus)
- model.UpdateContributionOption(query, option)¶
- Parameters:
query (str) – see The Query Parameter
option (int,str) – The Id of the option or the full name of the option as indicated in the table below
This determines what type of statement a person wants, Joint with spouse, or Individual, or None.
- model.UpdateElectronicStatement(query, truefalse)¶
- Parameters:
query (str) – see The Query Parameter
truefalse (bool) – True for wants statements via secure web-site access only. False if wants printed statements.
- model.UpdateEnvelopeOption(query, option)¶
- Parameters:
query (str) – see The Query Parameter
option (int,str) – The Id of the option or the full name of the option as indicated in the table below
This determines whether the person wants envelopes: either Joint with spouse, or Individual, or None.
- model.UpdateField(p, field, value)¶
- Parameters:
p (Person) – The person object
field (str) – The name of the field to update
value (object) – The new value
Updates a specific field for a person. If the field is “homephone”, it updates the family record instead of the person record.
- model.UpdateMemberStatus(query, status)¶
- Parameters:
query (str) – see The Query Parameter
status (int,str) – The MemberStatusId or the member status description (use exact spelling to match existing status)
- model.UpdateNamedField(query, field, value)¶
- Parameters:
query (str) – see The Query Parameter
field (str) – The name of the field to update. See Person Object
campus (int,str) – The CampusId or the campus name (use exact spelling to match an existing campus)
- model.UpdateNewMemberClassDate(query, date)¶
- Parameters:
query (str) – see The Query Parameter
date (str,date) – The date value
- model.UpdateNewMemberClassDateIfNullForLastAttended(query, orgid)¶
- Parameters:
query (str) – see The Query Parameter
orgid (str) – The OrganizationId for the last attend meeting
This will find the most recent attended date for each person in the specified Organization and update the person’s NewMemberClassDate with that date.
- model.UpdateNewMemberClassStatus(query, status)¶
- Parameters:
query (str) – see The Query Parameter
status (int,str) – The NewMemberClassStatusId or the new member class status description (use exact spelling to match existing status)
- model.UpdatePerson(peopleId, data)¶
- Parameters:
peopleId (int) – The person’s ID
data (object) – Dictionary-like object containing field names and values to update
Updates multiple fields for a person at once. Family fields (homephone, addresslineone, addresslinetwo, cityname, statecode, zipcode, countryname) update the family record instead of the person record.
Statement/Envelope Options¶
Id |
Option |
0 |
Not Specified |
1 |
Individual |
2 |
Joint |
9 |
None |
Latest Update |
3/28/2025 |
Added documentation for missing functions in PythonModel.Person.cs and reorganized all functions in alphabetical order.