Yearly Giving Analysis¶
This report runs from the Totals by Fund page. The report will present a column for each year in the date range selected, but will report only Primary Adults and will combine their contributions. The first columns present information about the donor(s), including the Last Gift Date and the Last Attended Date within the date range selected.
Sample Report¶

Create the Yearly Giving Analysis Report¶
- Step 1
Go to Admin > Advanced > Special Content and select the Sql Scripts tab.
- Step 2
Click the green +New Sql Script File button and enter the name of the script as
.- Step 3
Copy all of the code below and paste it into the file, then click Save Sql Script at the bottom of the page.
Do not run the script from this file. It will automatically be added to the Totals by Fund Report under Other Reports.
Run the Yearly Giving Analysis¶
- Step 1
Go to Finance > Search > Totals by Fund.
- Step 2
Select the Campus (or leave unspecified), Date Range, and Source. If you have Custom Fund Sets, select the set you want included in the report. You can also run this report for the Active Tag.
- Step 3
Click Run. Then, under Other Reports, select Yearly Giving Analysis.
You can download to Excel. That button is at the bottom of the report on the left side.
The yearly totals will combine all giving for the donor(s) for all funds. If you want the report for a single fund or to include just a couple of funds, create a Custom Fund Set file and set up sets for a single fund or for multiple funds to report on together.
See also
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 | --roles=Finance --class=TotalsByFund drop table if exists #t drop table if exists #tt drop table if exists [##957C899C-59FA-47DA-A946-89680B02BB16] drop table if exists [##957C899C-59FA-47DA-A946-89680B02BB16sum] select c.FamilyId, --'FY' + case when month(c.Date) < 7 then convert(varchar, year(c.Date)-1) else convert(varchar, year(c.Date)) end as ColName, convert(varchar, year(c.Date)) as ColName, sum(c.Amount) as AmtSum into #t from dbo.Contributions2(@StartDate, @EndDate, @CampusId, 0, NULL, 1, NULL) c join dbo.People p on p.PeopleId = c.PeopleId where (isnull(@FundSet, '') = '' or c.FundId in (select Value from dbo.SplitInts(@FundSet)) ) and (isnull(@TaxNonTax, '') = '' or c.ContributionTypeId in (select Value from dbo.SplitInts(@TaxNonTax)) ) and p.PositionInFamilyId = 10 and (@ActiveTagFilter is null or exists(select null from dbo.TagPerson tp where tp.Id = @ActiveTagFilter and tp.PeopleId = c.PeopleId)) group by c.FamilyId, year(c.Date) select c.FamilyId, 'Total' as ColName, sum(c.Amount) as AmtSum into #tt from dbo.Contributions2(@StartDate, @EndDate, @CampusId, 0, NULL, 1, NULL) c join dbo.People p on p.PeopleId = c.PeopleId where (isnull(@FundSet, '') = '' or c.FundId in (select Value from dbo.SplitInts(@FundSet)) ) and (isnull(@TaxNonTax, '') = '' or c.ContributionTypeId in (select Value from dbo.SplitInts(@TaxNonTax)) ) and p.PositionInFamilyId = 10 and (@ActiveTagFilter is null or exists(select null from dbo.TagPerson tp where tp.Id = @ActiveTagFilter and tp.PeopleId = c.PeopleId)) group by c.FamilyId declare @columns nvarchar(max), @sql nvarchar(max); set @columns = ''; select @columns+=', '+quotename(x.ColName) from ( select ColName from #t group by ColName ) as x order by ColName declare @sumcolumns nvarchar(max), @sumsql nvarchar(max); set @sumcolumns = ''; select @sumcolumns+=', sum('+quotename(x.ColName) + ') as ' + quotename(x.ColName) from ( select ColName from #t group by ColName ) as x order by ColName set @sql = ' select [FamilyId], '+stuff(@columns, 1, 2, '')+' into [##957C899C-59FA-47DA-A946-89680B02BB16] from ( select [FamilyId], [AmtSum], [ColName] from #t ) AS j pivot (sum(AmtSum) for [ColName] in ('+stuff(replace(@columns, ', piv.[', ',['), 1, 1, '')+')) AS piv;'; exec (@sql) set @sumsql = 'select ' + stuff(@sumcolumns, 1, 2, '') + ' into [##957C899C-59FA-47DA-A946-89680B02BB16sum] from [##957C899C-59FA-47DA-A946-89680B02BB16] ' exec (@sumsql) select null PeopleId, 'TOTALS' [First], 'LINE' [Last], '' [Spouse], null [Age], '' [City], '' [Zip], null LastGiftDate, null LastAttended, null FamilyId, tot.*, (select sum(AmtSum) from #tt) Total from [##957C899C-59FA-47DA-A946-89680B02BB16sum] as tot union all select h.PeopleId, h.PreferredName [First], h.LastName [Last], s.PreferredName [Spouse], h.Age, f.CityName City, substring(f.ZipCode, 1, 5) Zip, (select max(convert(date, contributionDate)) from dbo.Contribution c where c.PeopleId in (h.PeopleId, s.PeopleId)) LastGiftDate, (select max(convert(date, a.MeetingDate)) from dbo.Attend a where a.PeopleId in (h.PeopleId, s.PeopleId) and a.AttendanceFlag = 1) LastAttended, t.*, #tt.AmtSum Total from [##957C899C-59FA-47DA-A946-89680B02BB16] as t join #tt on #tt.FamilyId = t.FamilyId join dbo.Families f on f.FamilyId = t.FamilyId join dbo.People h on h.PeopleId = f.HeadOfHouseholdId left join dbo.People s on s.PeopleId = f.HeadOfHouseholdSpouseId drop table if exists #t drop table if exists #tt drop table if exists [##957C899C-59FA-47DA-A946-89680B02BB16] drop table if exists [##957C899C-59FA-47DA-A946-89680B02BB16sum] |
Latest Update |
02/26/2025 |
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