Special Links for Online Registrations¶
TouchPoint has several different links that can be inserted into an email or text to make it very easy for the person to register, vote, and RSVP online:
Special links are based on Involvements. The Involvement is where the person will be enrolled and/or added to a sub-group, or flagged as attending or not attending a meeting. Also when creating the links in the email, you will use either the Involvement ID# or a Meeting ID#, depending on the type of link you are using. The ID# is found in the URL of the Involvement or Meeting. For example: https://mychurch.tpsdb.com/Org/123
where 123
is the Involvement ID.
Special links are not to be used in conjunction with the Single Email Addresses option for emails from the Blue Toolbar. They are authenticated to the PERSON, not the EMAIL.
Vote Link¶
- Vote Link¶
A Vote Link can be placed in an email or newsletter to provide a one-click way for a person in your database to register for an event, or to provide extra information if they are already enrolled. When clicked, the Vote Link will enroll the person in the Involvement and place them in a specific sub-group within the Involvement. When you create the Vote Link, you can give the sub-group a shorter name than what the person will click on in the email. For the example above, you might want your groups to be just Yes and No, instead of Yes I Will Attend and No I Cannot Attend.
There are other features that can be embedded into the Vote Link, such as whether or not you want to send an email confirmation. You can also specify the message that will be displayed on the screen based on which link they click.
Vote Link Use Case 1
You are planning an event and want your targeted audience to indicate that they are planning to attend, but you don’t need any extra information that you might normally ask for in a regular online registration. You could embed two (or more) Vote Links:
Yes, I will attend
No, I cannot attend
All the respondent has to do is click one of the links. It’s as simple as that!
Each of those two links represents a sub-group within the Involvement you created. You do not create the groups ahead of time. The sub-groups are created as soon as someone clicks on one of them the first time. Just create the Involvement and add the Vote Links to the email.
Vote Link Use Case 2
Another use for Vote Links is to request more information from people who are already enrolled in the Involvement. You can email them a Vote Link asking them to select an option, which will become a sub-group within the Involvement. In this case, they are already enrolled, so clicking the Vote Link will just put them in the sub-group based on the link they click. Obviously, they will not be re-enrolled or enrolled twice.
See also
Register Link¶
- Register Link¶
When a Register Link is placed in an email, the link actually takes your recipient to the Options page of an online registration as though he were logged in. In other words, an individual receiving a Register Link does not have to find their people record or login.
The Register Link is for just the one person to whom you sent the email.
Register Link Use Case
Send a Register Link when you have a registration for a class/trip that has questions (drop downs, checkboxes, etc.) and for which people will register only themselves,not other family members.
Register Link2¶
- Register Link2¶
A Register Link2 is like a Register Link, in that the person receiving it does not need to find their record or log in. The difference is that a Register Link 2 will present the entire family, so that you can register any or all family members.
Register Link2 Use Case
If the registration is the type for which the person will want to register family members, such as a family camp or even an class for both the husband and wife, use Register Link2, so they can select and register other family members.
RSVP Link¶
- RSVP Link¶
An RSVP Link is another one-click link that is designed to record a person’s intent to attend a Meeting. You must create the meeting ahead of time, and use the MeetingID# in the link. If the person is not already enrolled, they will be added as a member to the Involvement and will be flagged as Attending the meeting. If they are already a member of the Involvement, they will just be flagged as Attending the meeting.
RSVP Link Use Case
You have an Involvement of leaders that meet periodically, and you need to know who will be attending the upcoming meeting. Create the Meeting and send an RSVP Link. The meeting will display those that click the link to indicate they will be attending.
Regrets Link¶
- Regrets Link¶
A Regrets Link is similar to an RSVP Link with this exception: when a person clicks a Regrets Link, he will be flagged as not attending the specific meeting whose ID# is used in the link. His commitment for the meeting will be Regrets, instead of Attending.
Regrets Link Use Case
Use both an RSVP and a Regrets Link when you want to get a response from everyone, whether they will attend or not.
Send Link¶
- Send Link¶
The Send Link type of link is similar to a Register Link. However, instead of taking the person directly to the registration, it sends another link in a separate email. That link takes the person to the registration.
Use Case
You are promoting online giving in your newsletter. You want to ensure that, if the recipient forwards the newsletter to someone else, that 2nd person would not be able to use the link and make a donation as though they were the original recipient.
Support Link¶
- Support Link¶
The Support Link is used for Mission Trips and functions similar to a Send Link. It is the link that is included in the email a person going on the trip can send to a potential supporter. When the email recipient clicks on the link in the email he will be taken to a confirmation page when he will click Send Link. This will send another link, which, when clicked will take the person directly to the page to make a donation for the sender of the email. If the recipient is not already in the database he will enter the required information to create a people record at the time he makes the donation.
Latest Update |
01/10/2023 |
Updated using Register Links with Single Email Address option