Meetings for Month Report

Meetings for Month

This report is a listing of every meeting for a specific month for every organization included in your search results (after you filter the list). It shows how many attended each meeting as well as the average for the month.

This report is laid out as follows:

  • The organizations are listed (alphabetically by org name) on the left side.

  • The names of the leaders are in the next column.

  • The dates of the meetings are headers across the top of the report.

  • The attendance is displayed under each meeting date.

  • The average for the month is in the last column.

  • The title is the month and year selected.

  • Totals will be at the bottom of the report.

Generate the report

Step 1

Go to Organizations > Search / Manage

Select the appropriate Program-Division-Schedule and click Filter


You do not need all 3 of the filters mentioned above. Just use whatever filters will present the list of classes you want included in the report.

Step 2

From the blue Toolbar, under the cloud icon, select Reports > Meetings for Month

Use the calendar to select any day in the month you want to use for the report.

Click Run

Sample Meetings for Month


This is an online report. If you want to put it into Excel or Numbers, just select and copy everything from the headers through the last organization. Do not include the title or the totals line. Then paste it into Excel or Numbers.

See also

Summary Reports

Latest Update


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