Family Has Primary Adult Church Member

This Condition located on the Family category tab in Search Builder is looking at the family members of anyone included in your query to see if any Primary Adult is a church member. So, it is a Condition you would want to add to another Condition. You would find your target group, perhaps children enrolled in something, and then add this Condition to find out how many of these children have a parent (Primary Adult) who is a member of the church.

Use Case

A possible use case for this would be that you want to find out how many of the children enrolled in your Vacation Bible School do not have parents who are members of your church.

You would have the Condition - Is Member Of and select the Program and Division for VBS. Then add the Condition Family Has Primary Adult Church Member with the Value set to False. The results will be only those children whose family does not have a Primary Adult who is a member of your church. The child might have a Primary Adult family member in the database, but that adult is not a church member. Or the child might not have a Primary Adult in the database at all.