Address Line 1¶
This Condition located on the Address category tab in Search Builder will help you find people based on a the first line of their Preferred Address. You can use ‘Starts With’ to find addresses based on the first digits in the address, such as 845. You can also search by part of the address: Contains rocky - to find everyone with that word in their address.
To search for people who live on a specific street you should probably not include directionals or street, avenue, or road as they may be formatted differently for addresses that have not been verified. Example: use Contains rocky forest, not rocky forest cove s.
Use Case
If you would like to find a church member that lives on the same street as a new guest, you could use this search Condition with part of the address of the guest and then add the Condition Church Member Status = Member.
Or you might want to find a member of a Life Group that lives on the same street as the new guest. In that case use this Condition and add the Condition Is Member Of and select the specific Life Group or even just the Program and Division.
This gives you a person that can visit or contact the new guest and who has something in common with him - they live nearby each other.