Token Authentication ==================== Churches using TouchPoint can choose to enable external giving links, in order to direct donors to a giving site outside of TouchPoint. In order to identify the donor in the web app that receives the external link, a token parameter should be added to the link. For example, * `{token}` or * `{token}` The ``{token}`` value will be populated by TouchPoint with a one-time link ID which expires in five minutes. The receiving web app can then authenticate the user by querying the Push Post API method ``API/Authenticate/OneTimeLink/{token}``. You should also include in the giving URL the TouchPoint database name or identify the user's TouchPoint database name from the ``Referer`` HTTP header. This API will validate the token and if it is valid, returns basic information about the user as JSON:: curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic YXR1c3R1cjpNeUPwaVBhc3N3b3JkVG9SdWx1VGh1bUFsbA==" \ "" .. important:: The example above shows using curl, a command line tool for transferring data using various URL protocols. This tool comes on a Mac and can be downloaded for Windows. The information returned will be in the form:: { "peopleId": 3194991, "firstName": "John", "preferredName": null, "lastName": "Doe", "emailAddress": "", "emailAddress2": null, "campusId": 4 } **Note: Once the Authenticate/OneTimeLink call has been made, the token immediately expires and cannot be used again.**