ExtraValuesOrg =========================== .. py:function:: model.AddExtraValueBoolOrg(orgid, name, truefalse) :param int orgid: The organization id :param str name: The name of the Extra Value Field :param bool truefalse: The boolean value (True or False) .. py:function:: model.AddExtraValueCodeOrg(orgid, name, code) :param int orgid: The organization id :param str name: The name of the Extra Value Field :param str code: The code value (text) .. py:function:: model.AddExtraValueDateOrg(orgid, name, date) :param int orgid: The organization id :param str name: The name of the Extra Value Field :param date date,str: The date value .. py:function:: model.AddExtraValueIntOrg(orgid, name, number) :param int orgid: The organization id :param str name: The name of the Extra Value Field :param str number: The integer value (not in quotes) .. py:function:: model.AddExtraValueTextOrg(orgid, name, text) :param int orgid: The organization id :param str name: The name of the Extra Value Field :param str text: The text value .. py:function:: model.ExtraValueBitOrg(orgid, name) :return: The bool value for the indicated organization :rtype: bool :param int orgid: The OrganizationId :param str name: The name of the Extra Value Field .. py:function:: model.ExtraValueCodeOrg(orgid, name) :return: The code extra value for the indicated organization :rtype: str :param int orgid: The OrganizationId :param str name: The name of the Extra Value Field .. py:function:: model.ExtraValueDateOrg(orgid, name) :return: The date extra value for the indicated organization :rtype: date :param int orgid: The OrganizationId :param str name: The name of the Extra Value Field This will return a date. If the extra value is missing on a record, a 1/1/01 will be returned. .. py:function:: model.ExtraValueDateOrgNull(orgid, name) :return: The date extra value for the indicated organization :rtype: date or null :param int orgid: The OrganizationId :param str name: The name of the Extra Value Field This will return the date or None if it is missing. .. py:function:: model.ExtraValueIntOrg(orgid, name) :return: The int extra value for the indicated organization :rtype: int :param int orgid: The OrganizationId :param str name: The name of the Extra Value Field .. py:function:: model.ExtraValueOrg(orgid, name) :return: The extra value for the indicated organization :rtype: str :param int orgid: The OrganizationId :param str name: The name of the Extra Value Field This function returns the extra value as a string, without having to specify the type. .. py:function:: model.ExtraValueTextOrg(orgid, name) :return: The text value for the indicated organization :rtype: str :param int orgid: The OrganizationId :param str name: The name of the Extra Value Field