Meetings ======== .. py:function:: model.GetMeeting(meetingId) :return: the meeting with the specified meetingId or null if the meeting does not exist :rtype: object :param int meetingId: .. py:function:: model.GetMeetingIdByDateTime(orgId, meetingtime, createIfNotExists = true) :return: the meetingId or None if the meeting does not exist and should not be created :rtype: int :param int orgId: :param timestamp meetingtime: A Unix-style timestamp in seconds since Epoch, UTC :param bool createIfNotExists: specify whether a meeting should be created if one does not exist with the specified properties .. py:function:: model.GetMeetingIdByDateTime(orgId, meetingDate, createIfNotExists = true) :return: the meetingId or None if the meeting does not exist and should not be created :rtype: int :param int orgId: :param datetime meetingDate: The DateTime for the start of the meeting, in the local timezone of the church :param bool createIfNotExists: specify whether a meeting should be created if one does not exist with the specified properties .. py:function:: model.AddExtraValueMeeting(meetingId, field, value) :param int meetingId: The meetingId for the meeting to which the extra value should be added :param str field: The name of the extra value to add/edit :param str value: The value for the extra value This function either will add an extra value with the specified name and value *or* if an extra value of that name already exists on the meeting, will set the value as specified. .. py:function:: model.DeleteExtraValueMeeting(meetingId, field) :return: the number of extra values deleted :rtype: int :param int meetingId: The meetingId for the meeting from which the extra values should be removed :param str field: The name of the extra value to remove .. py:function:: model.ExtraValueMeeting(meetingId, field) :return: the value of the specified extra value :rtype: str :param int meetingId: The meetingId of the meeting with the extra value whose value you are retrieving :param str field: The name of the extra value whose value you are retrieving .. py:function:: model.MeetingDidNotMeet(meetingId, didNotMeet = null) :return: the value to which DidNotMeet was set or null if the meeting was not found :rtype: bool :param int meetingId: The meetingId of the meeting for which you are setting the DidNotMeet flag :param bool didNotMeet: .. py:function:: model.EditCommitment(meetingId, peopleId, commitment) :param int meetingId: The meetingId of the meeting on which you are editing a commitment :param int peopleId: The PeopleId of the person for whom you are editing a commitment :param str commitment: String indicating commitment. One of: Attending, Regrets, Find Sub, Sub Found, Substitute, Uncommitted, all case-insensitive. If the string is not recognized, no changes will be made. | | +--------------------+------------------+ | **Latest Update** | **11/11/2021** | +--------------------+------------------+ Added this article.