Upload ================= The two upload to DropBox functions require you to add your DropBoxAccessToken into the settings. .. py:function:: model.UploadExcelFromSqlToDropBox(query, sql, targetpath, filename) :param str query: see :doc:`QueryParameter` This will be used to filter the SQL that is executed for use with a BlueToolBar report. :param str sql: The SQL code to execute. For the filtering to work with the query, the SQL must include a ``@qtagid``. :param str targetpath: The directory path on DropBox where the file will be located. :param str filename: The name the file will be given on DropBox. Note, this will overwrite any existing file with the same location and name. .. py:function:: model.UploadExcelFromSqlToDropBox(query, sql, targetpath, filename) :param str sql: The SQL code to execute. :param str targetpath: The directory path on DropBox where the file will be located. :param str filename: The name the file will be given on DropBox. In this case, the SQL will not be suitable for the BlueToolBar filtering. Note, this will overwrite any existing file with the same location and name. .. py:function:: model.UploadExcelFromSqlToFtp(sql, username, password, targetpath, filename) :param str sql: The SQL code to execute. :param str username: Username for FTP credentials :param str password: Password for FTP credentials :param str targetpath: The directory path on DropBox where the file will be located. :param str filename: The name the file will be given on DropBox. In this case, the SQL will not be suitable for the BlueToolBar filtering.