Contributions ================================ .. py:function:: q.ContributionTotals(days1, days2, funds) :return: Total $ amount of the contributions according to the parameters :rtype: float :param int days1: For the start date number of days before today :param int days2: For the end date number of days before today :param str,int funds: See :ref:`FundsParameter` .. py:function:: q.ContributionCount(days1, days2, funds) :return: Total count of the contributions according to the parameters :rtype: int :param int days1: For the start date number of days before today :param int days2: For the end date number of days before today :param str,int funds: See :ref:`FundsParameter` .. py:function:: q.DateRangeForContributionTotals(days1, days2) :return: A string showing the from / to dates, useful for reconciling the numbers. :rtype: str :param int days1: For the start date number of days before today :param int days2: For the end date number of days before today .. _FundsParameter: Funds Parameter --------------- This can be the id of the fund to limit the contributions to. For all funds, use 0. Or you can enter multiple ids in a str separated by commas. If you make an id negative (e.g. -1003) it will exclude that fund.