Prayer Digest ============= The Prayer Digest can function as an automated email or as a stand-alone report or as both. The report shows prayer requests that have been made online over the past specified number of days and can be added to the Reports menu for easy access. The automated email contains the same information as the report and is sent on the specified schedule to the specified recipient(s). The Prayer Digest requires a SQL script and a Python script as shown below. The report can be customized as described in the following two sections. SQL Script ---------- Below is the SQL script for the Prayer Digest. Because it is called by the corresponding Python script, it is important to name the file you create exactly **PrayerDigest** (no space between the words and both words capitalized). Add the SQL Script ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Step 1 Go to `Administration > Setup > Special Content > SQL Scripts`. Step 2 Click the green `+ New SQL Script File`, enter name the file ``PrayerDigest`` and click `Submit`. Step 3 :ref:`Copy all the code below` and paste it into the new file. Click `Save Script`. .. _PrayerDigestSQL: .. literalinclude:: Files/PrayerDigest.sql :linenos: Customize the SQL Script ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The only change you might need to make to the SQL script concerns the role(s) required to run the script. This is configured on the first line. As written, the script is limited to users who have the Admin role, but you can change this to another role. For example, you may have created a custom role called ``PrayerRequests`` that a user must have in order to view prayer requests. If so, you will want to replace ``Admin`` on line one with the name of your custom role. Python Script ------------- Below is the Python script for the Prayer Digest. Add the Python Script ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Step 1 Go to `Administration > Setup > Special Content > Python Scripts`. Step 2 Click the green `+ New Python Script File`, enter name the file ``PrayerDigestReport`` and click `Submit`. Step 3 :ref:`Copy all the code below` and paste it into the new file. Click `Save Script`. .. _PrayerDigestPython: .. literalinclude:: Files/ :linenos: Customize the Python Script ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With this python script, you can configure the role(s) necessary for a user to run it. If you want to change the role, simply replace ``Admin`` on line one with the name of the role to which you wish to limit this script. On lines 5 - 10 of the script, you can customize the following settings for the automated email: #. **Subject:** Enter the subject the automated email should have. #. **MailToIds:** Enter here the PeopleId(s) of the recipient(s) of the automated email. Make sure to retain the quotation marks around the list. #. **SenderId:** Enter the PeopleId of the person the email should come from. #. **FromEmail:** Enter the email address of the person the email should come from. #. **FromName:** Enter the name of the person the email should come from. #. **DayToRun:** If the automated email should be run every day, enter 7. Otherwise, enter the day of the week it should be sent, with 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, . . . , 6 = Saturday. #. **DaysBack:** Enter the number of days back to include in the report / automated email. Manually Run the Report ----------------------- To run the report manually, open the Python script and click the `Run Script` button. After running the report, you can click the `Add Report to Menu` link to add the report to the Reports menu. Thereafter, you can run the report by clicking its option in the menu. Automate the email ------------------ To finalize the setup for the automated email, add the following line to your MorningBatch python script: ``model.CallScript("PrayerDigestReport")``. (If you do not already have a MorningBatch script, you can create it on the Special Content > Python Scripts tab.) You should also ensure that the setting **RunMorningBatch** is set to ``True``. This setting is found at `Administration > Settings`, on the System tab, and in the Administration section. | | +--------------------+------------------+ | **Latest Update** | **05/02/2022** | +--------------------+------------------+ Added this article.