Default SQL for Picture Directory =================================== The SQL file for the Picture Directory is the same for all directories, so you do not need to modify it unless there is something else you want to add to the directory. Remember, this gets created automatically in Special Content > SQL Scripts and is named `PictureDirectorySql`. .. code-block:: sql --default.v1 IMPORTANT! delete this line if you want to customize, otherwise your changes will be overwritten SELECT p.PeopleId, p.LastName, p.FamilyId, Name = p.Name2, p.PreferredName, Suffix = p.SuffixCode, DOB = dbo.DOB(p.BirthMonth,p.BirthDay, p.BirthYear), [Address] = p.PrimaryAddress, Address2 = p.PrimaryAddress2, City = p.PrimaryCity, [State] = p.PrimaryState, Zip = p.PrimaryZip, Cell = p.CellPhone, Home = p.HomePhone, Email = p.EmailAddress, Email2 = p.EmailAddress2, PhonesOk = CONVERT(BIT, IIF(p.DoNotPublishPhones = 1, 0, 1)), pp.MediumId, pp.SmallId, pp.X, pp.Y, PicDate = pp.CreatedDate, p.GenderId FROM dbo.People p JOIN dbo.Families f ON f.FamilyId = p.FamilyId JOIN dbo.People hh ON hh.PeopleId = f.HeadOfHouseholdId LEFT JOIN dbo.Picture pp ON pp.PictureId = p.PictureId JOIN dbo.TagPerson tp ON tp.PeopleId = p.PeopleId WHERE tp.Id = @p1