Parent Child Involvements Report ================================ This script runs from the Main Reports Menu if added to the Menu (`Administration > Setup > Special Content > Text Content > CustomReportsMenu`). It shows any Involvement that is either a parent or child of another Involvement. The recommended name is ``ParentChildInvolvements`` Use the following code to Create the SQL Script. See :doc:`../CreateSqlScript`. .. code-block:: sql SELECT ParentOrgId = p.OrganizationId ,ParentOrg = p.OrganizationName ,ChildOrgId = c.OrganizationId ,ChildOrg = c.OrganizationName FROM dbo.Organizations c JOIN dbo.Organizations p ON p.OrganizationId = c.ParentOrgId ORDER BY ParentOrg, ChildOrg | | +--------------------+------------------+ | **Latest Update** | **10/18/2021** | +--------------------+------------------+ Update terminology for Involvements