Total Gifts >= 5000 =================== This report can be added to Reports in the Main Menu and will look for donors whose total combined giving (if giving jointly) greater than or equal to $5,000. The report will display the **total amount given year to date** for the calendar year, along with the **name and addresses** of the primary donor. That means that for couples that give jointly the husband's name will display. This is protect by the user role **Finance** so no other user will see it. If you choose to Add to Menu, it will be added to **Reports in the Main Menu**. You can opt to **Download to Excel** if you want. Copy the code below and paste it into a new SQL Script in your database. The recommended name is ``TotalGiftsGE5000``. Obviously, you can change line 15 to whatever amount you prefer. See :doc:`../CreateSqlScript`. .. code-block:: sql --Roles=Finance IF LEN(@p1) = 0 SET @p1 = CONVERT(VARCHAR, DATEPART(yyyy, GETDATE())) SELECT PeopleId, Amount, Name, PrimaryAddress, PrimaryAddress2, PrimaryCity, PrimaryState, PrimaryZip FROM dbo.People p JOIN ( SELECT CreditGiverId, SUM(Amount) Amount FROM Contributions2('1/1/' + @p1, '12/31/' + @p1, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL) GROUP BY CreditGiverId ) tt ON tt.CreditGiverId = p.PeopleId WHERE tt.Amount > 5000 ORDER by 'Amount'