Details with Fees ================= This report lists individual contribution entries for which the donor has covered fees. The report has columns for **Base** (the amount given before the fee is added), **Fee**, and **Amount** (what the donor gave including the fee). Use this report if you need to see each individual entry with fees. If you need to totals by fund with fee information, see the report :doc:`TotalsByFundWithFees`. The report is accessed from the Other Reports menu on the Totals by Fund page. Create the Details with Fees Report ----------------------------------- Step 1 Create a new SQL Report named **DetailsWithFees**. Step 2 Copy the :ref:`code below ` and paste it into the new SQL file you created. Save the script. For more detailed instructions on creating SQL Report click the link below. .. seealso:: :doc:`../CreateSqlScript` Run the Details with Fees Report -------------------------------- Step 1 Go to **Administration > Contributions > Totals by Fund Report**. Step 2 Select the **Date Range** and any other filters you want for the report. Step 3 Select **Details With Fees** from the **Other Reports** drop down menu. The report opens on-screen. If you want it in Excel just select the **Download to Excel** button. .. _DetailsWithFeesCode: Code for the Report ------------------- .. literalinclude:: Files/DetailsWithFees.sql :linenos: | | +--------------------+------------------+ | **Latest Update** | **05/14/2021** | +--------------------+------------------+ Added this article.