.. done Extra Values - People ===================== .. glossary:: Extra Values Extra Values are bits of information that do not fit in the normal fields on a person's record, and are created and customized by each church. .. note:: Extra Values are sometimes added to your church database during a conversion, if there are pieces of information in your old system that do not have a specific field in TouchPoint. Churches can choose to keep or delete these. User Roles Extra Values are `created` by the TouchPoint user with the `Admin` role. Extra Values can be `edited` by any user with `Edit` role. .. admonition:: Exception If the Admin assigns a `Visibility Role` to the Extra Value, only a user with that role can view and edit the Extra Value. See :ref:`caution below `. Extra Values can be used for all sorts of information. A few examples include flagging a member as ordained, indicating a country of origin (helpful if you have an ESL program), or which worship service someone normally attends. Standard Extra Values This type of Extra Value field will display on every person's record. You just have to edit them on an individual's record to select or enter the actual value/data. Use Standard Extra Values if many people in the database will have data in this field. Making them Standard is a great convenience for you. .. admonition:: Example of a Standard Extra Value Create a Standard Extra Value named `NewMember`, make it a checkbox type, then add the values (checkbox items) that are the various steps for a new church member. The Extra Value named New Member would appear on every record, and you would select each value as they complete it. Adhoc Extra Values These fields and the values are added to individual records as needed. Use Adhoc Extra Values if only a select group of people will have data for this field. There is no need to display something on every record when only a few people will actually have data. .. admonition:: Example of an Ad Hoc Extra Value Create an Ad Hoc Extra Value named `CountryOfOrigin` and make it a text field. When someone attends a class such as ESL, add this Ad Hoc Extra Value to their people record, in order to capture the name of the country from which they came. When creating these, you must enter the name exactly as it has been used previously. Then enter the actual name of the country. .. note:: TouchPoint databases that were created prior to Jan. 2014, will contain Extra Values that were previously hard-wired fields, but are now customizable Extra Values. These are the `Information Card` Extra Values on the `Entry` tab of the people records. .. _VisibilityRoleCaution: .. caution:: If you assign a Visibility role, we recommend that you assign only one role. If you enter multiple user roles (separated by commas) in the Visibility field the only users that can view that EV will be users with **all** the user roles assigned. Where Extra Values Display on a Person's Record ----------------------------------------------- Extra Values display in the following places on a person's record: #. Profile > Extra Values tab - Standard Extra Values display by default #. Profile > Extra Values tab - click `Adhoc Values` to display those #. Profile > Entry tab - `Information Card` section Exports and Reports ------------------- The blue Toolbar that displays when viewing a list of people (or an individual person) has the option to download the Extra Value Excel export. If you want a report showing all Extra Values with data and the showing the date the EV was added, you can add a custom SQL Report to your database using the instructions in the following help article. .. seealso:: :doc:`../CustomProgramming/SqlScripts/BlueToolBarPeople/ExtraValueDetails` Special Extra Values -------------------- TouchPoint has some special Extra Values that have specific functions. These Extra Values can be added to your database if you choose: - Parent Extra Value - to connect a non-custodial parent with a child for email purposes - PIN# Extra Value - for use with checkin - EnvelopeNumber Extra Value - if you do not upload a file with the People ID# you can an an extra value to use when posting contributions - Deposit - you can waive or lower the deposit amount required for an individual for an online registration by using a special Ad Hoc Extra Value that includes the Involvement ID # for the Involvement and the amount of the deposit. .. seealso:: | :doc:`ExtraValueParent` | :doc:`../Checkin/ExtraValuePin` | :doc:`../Finance/EnvelopeNumber` | :doc:`DepositExtraValue` Create a Standard Extra Value Field ----------------------------------- Step 1 Go to a people record, `Profile > Extra Values` tab. Click the green `+ Add Extra Value` button. Step 2 Select the `Type` from the dropdown. This is the type of data you will be storing. See below for the options and explanations. Enter the field `Name` (This is just the name of the Extra Value field, not the value/data.) .. important:: This name should not contain spaces, punctuation, or special characters. It should also be fairly short, because TouchPoint has exports that use these Extra Value names as column headers. If you want to limit those who can view and edit this Extra Value, enter a `Visibility` role. Otherwise, leave this field empty. See :ref:`caution message above `. If you have selected the type `Dropdown` or `Checkbox` an additional text field will open. That is where you enter the values, each one on a separate line. Click `Save` when you are finished. .. note:: The Visibility role can be an existing user role, such as Edit, Attendance, or Membership. Or, you can create a new User Role just for this purpose. For example: Create the user role of Pastor and assign that role to your ministers for confidential type of data. See :ref:`caution message above `. .. _TypesOfExtraValues: Types of Extra Value Data ------------------------- When creating a new Standard Extra Value, you will have the options defined below. Header This is not an Extra Value, but is actually a header you can use to group sets of Extra Values. For example: If you have several Extra Values relating to a person's Membership, you could have a header named Membership and put all the Extra Values relating to that under that header. HTML Editor This type allows you to add custom content. This might be helpful for storing images, documents, or any other custom (HTML) content on a People record or Involvement. Text (single line) This type allows you to create a text field with a field name and various values with one line of text. These will not create a dropdown in Search Builder. Example: | Extra Value Field = ``Disciple-Maker`` | Value = ``Robert Smithson`` | Each person can have only one data-type Extra Value Field of the same name. When you search for these in Search Builder, you select the Condition named ExtraValueText and enter the field name and the value and use the standard string comparison operators to search. Text (multi line) This type allows you to create a text field with a field name and various values with basically unlimited text. These will not create a dropdown in Search Builder. Example: | Extra Value Field = ``Prayer Requests`` | Value = any text you want to enter. You may want to enter a date beside each new entry, putting the newest at the top. | Each person can have only one data-type Extra Value Field of the same name. When you search for these in Search Builder, you select the Condition named ExtraValueText and enter the field name and the value and use the standard string comparison operators to search. Dropdown This type allows you to specify multiple values for one Extra Value. Of course, only one value can be selected for a person. Example: | Extra Value Field = ``Worship Service`` | Values might be ``9:30``, ``11:00``, or ``Varies``. | These values will display in a dropdown in Search Builder on the Extra Values tab when you select the condition `ExtraValueCode`. Checkbox This type allow you to create an Extra Value with either True or False value. This does display in Search Builder in the dropdown when you select the Condition `ExtraValueCode`. Example: | Extra Value Field = ``Minister`` | Check the box if True. | This displays as `Minister:True` in the dropdown in Search Builder when you select the Condition `ExtraValueCode`. Checkboxes This type allows you to specify multiple values, and individuals can have more than one selected. These create a dropdown in Search Builder. Example: | Extra Value Field = ``Membership Process`` | Values might be ``Interviewed``, ``Scheduled``, or ``Completed``. | These values will display in the dropdown list in Search Builder on the Extra Values tab when you select the condition `ExtraValueCode`. Integer This type must be an integer/number. The special EnvelopeNumber Extra Value is an Integer type. Example: | Extra Value Field = `EnvelopeNumber` | Value = ``2891`` | In this example, the number would be the person's envelope number from a previous database. In Search Builder, you would select the Condition named `ExtraValueInt` and type ``EnvelopeNumber:2891`` Date This type will present a date picker. Example: | Extra Value Field = `Ordination` | Value will be `10/30/2011` | In Search Builder, you would select the Condition `ExtraValueDate` and type ``Ordination:12/31/1999`` as the value. A few things to note when you create ExtraValueFields: - If you want a dropdown to display in Search Builder so you can select the Extra Values you are looking for, use the Dropdown, Checkbox, or Checkboxes as the type of Extra Value. - The `Text (single line)` and `Text (multi line)` types of Extra Values do not create dropdowns in Search Builder, because the values for each person would be different. To Arrange Extra Values in a Specific Order ------------------------------------------- When you click the pencil icon beside Standard Extra Values, you will see a list of all Standard Extra Values that display on that page. Use the numbers to indicate the order in which you want them to appear. After changing the order, click `Apply Ordering`. .. note:: If you are using a 'Header', this is where you will place it above those Extra Values you want to group together. Delete Standard Extra Value Fields ---------------------------------- Extra Values Summary This summary report is where you can view how many people have a specific Extra Value and where you can also delete these EVs. Step 1 Go to `Admin > Reports > Extra Values > People`. This will display a page listing all the Extra Value Fields with the count of records containing that Extra Value. Step 2 Click the red `Delete` button beside the Extra Value. You will then see an "Are you sure?" prompt. Click `Yes, Delete it`, or `Cancel`, if you've changed your mind. People Records You can also delete an extra value field by going to a person's record. Step 1 Go to `Profile > Extra Values` on an individual's record. Step 2 Click `Edit` Step 3 This will display the list of all Standard Extra Values. Click the `Delete` button beside the one you wish to delete. You have the optiont to delete any data associated with that extra value, by checking the box `Remove data, too?`. Search Builder You can also delete extra values by running a search in Search Builder and delete specific Extra Values or specific values for those in the search results. Step 1 Run the search to find the appropriate people. Step 2 Selecting `Toolbar > Gear > Delete Extra Values`. Step 3 Select the Extra Value `type` from the dropdown (Text, etc.) and / or enter the `name` of the extra value in the text box. Either check the box to delete all values or enter the specific value. Then click `OK`. This will delete that extra value on the records of everyone in your search results. .. note:: To delete `Family Extra Values` using Search Builder, after selecting `Delete Extra Values` check the box `Delete from family records instead of person`. Create an Ad Hoc Extra Value Field ---------------------------------- Step 1 Go to a people record, `Profile > Extra Values` tab. Click the `Ad Hoc Values` link. Step 2 Select the green `+ Add Extra Value` button. Step 2 Select the `Type` from the dropdown. This is the type of data you will be storing. See explanation above for the options and further explanations. Adding or Editing Extra Values as a Batch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The blue Toolbar has an option allowing you to Add Extra Values or Delete Extra Values. You find the group of people whose EVs you want to edit or on whose record you want to add a new Extra Value. Then you use the option from the Toolbar to perform that action. We have specific instructions to help you with this. .. seealso:: :doc:`AddingUpdatingEVFromToolbar`