Check In Settings Tab ===================== The following are found on the `Settings > Check In` tab for all Involvements: Number of Checkin Labels ------------------------ Enter a whole number for the number of child labels you want to print for each class member. Some of the classes for younger children like having an extra label to affix to a diaper bag. The default is `1`. Enter `0` if no labels are needed. .. seealso:: :doc:`../Checkin/CheckinInvolvementSettings` Number of Worker Checkin Labels ------------------------------- Enter a whole number for the number of labels you want to print for each leader in the class. .. seealso:: :doc:`../Checkin/CheckinInvolvementSettings` Start Birthday and End Birthday ------------------------------- If you are using this Involvement for online registration and the `Registration Type` is `Compute Org by Birthday`, you must select a month/day/year from the calendar for both of these settings. This will allow only those born between those dates to register for that Involvement. .. seealso:: :doc:`../OnlineRegistration/CreatingUserSelectsRegistration` These dates also determine which Involvements are displayed in Check-In for guests who are looking for a class to visit, so that the appropriate class for their age is displayed. .. seealso:: :doc:`../Checkin/CheckinInvolvementSettings` .. tip:: You can download `this Excel Spreadsheet `_ to help you compute the date range. Early Checkin ------------- The number of minutes before meetings start when people can start checking in. This will default to the global `EarlyCheckin` setting found in `Administration > Setup > Settings > Features > Check-In` if not set. Late Checkin ------------ The number of minutes after a meeting starts when check in will be unavailable. This will default to the global `LateCheckin` setting found in `Administration > Setup > Settings > Features > Check-In` if not set. Allow Check-In -------------- Check this box in order for the Involvement meeting to display for Check-In. This can also be edited on `Involvements > Search`. Click where you see `no` and change it to `yes` in the `Self CheckIn` column, then click the `blue checkmark`. .. seealso:: :doc:`../Checkin/CheckinInvolvementSettings` Suspend Checkin --------------- This checkbox is used to remove a class from the first screen that displays when adding a person to a class using Check-In. However, the class will still display (by design) if you are in Admin mode. This is useful if you have a class that is full and you want to direct guests to other classes. Allow Non Campus Check In ------------------------- If you are using Check-In and you have multiple campuses, and you have an Involvement (that is assigned a campus) and you want that Involvement to display as available for Check-In to anyone, regardless of the campus where they are checking in, select this box. These classes will display for everyone, whether or not they are enrolled in that Involvement or have visited that Involvement. .. note:: Also, if you have multiple campuses in your database and you do not assign a campus to Involvements used for Check-In, they will display without this box being checked. .. seealso:: :doc:`../Checkin/CheckinInvolvementSettings` No security label required -------------------------- Check this box if you do not need a security label. Even if this box is not checked, security labels do not print for adults. .. seealso:: :doc:`../Checkin/CheckinInvolvementSettings`