.. done Small Group Finder Step 4 - Create the XML File =============================================== If you have not read the Overview about how the Small Group Finder works, or Steps 1 and 2, you will want to do so before proceeding. .. seealso:: | :doc:`SmallGroupFinder` | :doc:`SmallGroupFinderStep1` | :doc:`SmallGroupFinderStep2` | :doc:`SmallGroupFinderStep3` Create the Small Group Finder XML file -------------------------------------- This file is where you enter the ID #(s) for **Division(s)** you are using for your small groups, and the name of the **Layout** and **Gutter** files you just created. Step 1 Go to `Administration > Special Content > Text Content` tab, and click `+ New Text File`. Enter the File Name as ``SGF-Main.xml`` and click `Submit`. .. note:: This is not the same tab as the one used for the layout and gutter. The XML file is created on the Text Content tab, and the layout and gutter were created on the Html Content tab. Step 2 Copy and paste the following into the text box: .. code-block:: xml :linenos: Shown below are optional settings that can be added to your XML file is desired. If used, all these should be inserted in the Settings section (on a new line between `` and ``). .. code-block:: xml :linenos: Below are explanations for these optional settings: Optional Subtitle Text (line 2) If you wish to include text under your Small Group Finder title, you can create an HTML special content file and include the desired text. Then use the **Subtitle-Content** setting to point to the HTML file. Include Only Specified Involvement Types (line 5) To include only involvements of a specified Involvement Type in the group finder, include the setting **OrgTypes** with a value of the desire Involvement Type. For example, to include only groups of the type Community Groups, give the setting the value `Community Groups`. If multiple involvement types are entered, separate them with commas. .. Important:: When the **OrgTypes** setting is used, it *overrides* the **divisionid** setting. All qualifying groups with the specified involvement type(s) are included in the finder, even if they are not in a division specified in the **divisionid** setting. Define How Groups Are Sorted (line 8) You can specify a particular extra value field to sort the groups in the finder. For example, if you give this setting the value `SGF:Neighborhood`, the groups will be sorted alphabetically by the values in the **SGF:Neighborhood** extra value. Exclude Groups from the Finder (lines 12-13) You may want to exclude certain groups in the specified division from appearing in the Small Group Finder. A group might be full, for example, or only intended for participants that you invite. You can use the **ShowOnly...** settings to define an additional criterion for inclusion in the group finder. Omit these lines if you will not use this feature. .. caution:: The extra value name ("Status") used in the example code above is only an example. You can name this whatever you like, but the name you enter in the XML file must exactly match the name of the extra value you have created, including any prefix (such as "SGF:" if you are using that prefix for all your Small Group Finder extra values). Step 3 After you paste the text into the new text file, there are changes you will need to make. These are listed below. - Enter the `Division ID #` *inside* the quotation marks in line 2 after ``divisionid=``. If you are using multiple Divisions, comma-separate them without a space. Example: ``divisionid="23,24"`` - On that same line, enter the `Layout Name` inside the quotation marks after ``layout=``, **only** if you named your file something other than SGF-Layout. - The same thing is true for the shell. Enter the `Shell Name` inside the quotation marks after ``shell=``, **only** if you named your file something other than SGF-Shell. Step 4 The **filters** are the drop downs that will display on the finder, if you added Ad Hoc `Extra Values` with the prefix SGF: on each of the Organizations. We include some basic filters in the above text. The order in which you see these in the XML file, is the order in which they will display on the finder. You can cut and paste to change the order. Notice that all of these are set as ``locked=false``. If you want a filter that cannot be changed, you can set it to `true`. You may want to contact support for help with that and to learn more about how that works. Example: **** - In this example, we have an Extra Value named `SGF:Gender` on each organization, with values on each org are either ``Male``, ``Female``, or ``Coed``. The *title* is what will display as the title / label of the drop down. the name and the title do not have to be the same. However, the ``name`` must match exactly with the Extra Value on the orgs. - If your Extra Values are different, just edit the name and title. If you have more Extra Values that you want to use for filters, just copy one of those entire lines of text and paste if below one of the others. Then edit the **name** and **title**. - If you are not using filters, just remove the name and title from one link and leave it there as a template, in case you want to use them in the future. Then delete the other lines of text that begin with