.. done Guests/Absentees Report ======================= The preferred method of getting this information is for the staff member or lay leader to receive the `Email Attendance Notice`. It is interactive and much most useful; whereas, the Guests/Absentees Report is a simply a PDF report. .. seealso:: :doc:`EmailAttendanceNotices` This report lists all Guests who attended that meeting, and all Members who were absent at that meeting. This is designed to give you a report of those who should be contacted. The Guests to that Meeting are listed first, followed by an alphabetical list of the absent Members. An Attendance String and Attendance Percentage is displayed for the Members. The appropriate Visit Type (for Guests) or Member Type (for Members) is also displayed. Generate Report --------------- Step 1 Go to the organization > Meetings Tab and click on the `date of the meeting` for which you want the report. Step 2 Select `Blue Toolbar > Cloud > Reports > Guests/Absentees Report`. This will generate a PDF report. If you want to print it, use your browser or PPF print function. .. seealso:: :doc:`Meeting_Index`