February 17, 2025 ================= Finance ------- .. release-notes:: - New: Added setting `Admin > Advanced > Settings > Finance > Statement > Soft Credit Statements`. Enabling this setting will create a statement for donors that only have soft credit contributions. .. important:: You should have the Soft Credit section added to the `StatementTemplateBody `_ if you plan to enable this. - Change: The Registration Form Address question now uses separate fields for each part of the address. Registrants can now proceed with registration even if validation fails. - Fix: When creating a refund, the batch entry should now be dated the date the refund was done. - Fix: Viewing the Batches page with a user having the `FinanceDataEntry` role will now properly display pending batches. - Fix: Batches page will now disable the Close action if selected batch has donorless entries . - Fix: Batch entries will now properly settle transactions to batches with multiple merchant IDs configured (only affects specific configurations). - Fix: Blank page will no longer be generated if a contribution statement goes exactly to the bottom of the page. .. note:: If you have customized the **StatementTemplate** in **Special Content**, this fix will require a manual change to the **StatementTemplate**. See the `default StatementTemplate code `_ that includes the fix. - Fix: Donor Totals by Range Report will now properly exclude non-contributions. - Fix: Donor Totals by Range Report will now show correct counts. - Fix: Pledges page's Contributed and Balance columns will now properly include soft credits. - Fix: Giving tab link to Contribution Search will now exclude non-contributions to match the expected view. - Fix: When registration credit is given to a Mission Trip Involvement through a manual batch entry, the amount credited to the person will no longer show as doubled. - Fix: Removed comma formating in "Envelope Number" column in Custom Reports. - Fix: New Account Codes will now appear in dropdowns immediately after creation. - Fix: Pledge replacement code will now reflect spouse's soft credit. - Fix: Pledge Report "Online" column will now properly designate online vs offline pledges. - Fix: Pledges Page - the number of families will now reflect the expected count. - Fix: Edit Recurring Giving page - changing the Start Date will now recalculate the Next Date and Frequency as if it was being set up for the first time. - Fix: Reversing a contribution will now also reverse the soft credit on the Giving Tab. - Fix: Soft Credits will now properly reflect in the Pledge Report. - Fix: Contributions tab will no longer fail to load if the Soft Credit person has been deleted. - Fix: Statement can now be generated for business records with only soft credited contributions. - Fix: Statements can now generate for records where all giving is soft credited to others. - Fix: Totals By Fund Range Report - the Donors Total column will now show. - Fix: Totals By Fund Report and Contribution Search will now include Reconciled Batches. - Fix: Merging people with registration records will no longer cause an error when re-registering for the same Involvement as the target of the merge. - Fix: Pledge balance replacement code now works for pledge grouping. Giving ------ .. release-notes:: - Fix: Deleting recurring giving will now immediately remove from the giving page without the need for a refresh. - Fix: Entry Point & Campus settings on Giving Page will now be applied for new donors. - Fix: Giving page edit and delete button tooltips will now properly show their translations. - Fix: Online Giving will now copy all emails set in the Email From setting. - Fix: Pledge email replacement codes will no longer incorrectly reference fees covered by the donor. - Fix: Monthly Giving scheduled for the last day of a month will now only process days early on days with fewer days in the month. - Fix: Start Date may now be set when creating a Recurring Pledge. - Fix: Set Bank Account Default setting will now be honored on giving pages. - Fix: Validation messaging on recurring giving setup as been improved. Building Check-In ----------------- .. release-notes:: - Fix: Reduced lag time to refresh page on new Check-In.