.. done Has Related Family ================== This Condition located on the Family category tab in Search Builder will allow you find everyone in a family that has a related/extended family connection. .. admonition:: Use Case - New Members Running this for your entire database might be interesting, but probably not very useful. However, you might want to find out how many new members or new guests have related families in your database. So, add to this Condition the Condition Join Date greater than a date within the past month. This will find those new members that already have family members in the database. By using that limiting Condition of a Join Date, the results will not include their related family members, unless those individuals also have a recent join date. Instead of Join Date, you could use Recent Attend Type equal New Guest, to find those who are visiting that have family members in the database. .. seealso:: | :doc:`../People/FamilyRelationships` | :doc:`QB-JoinDate` | :doc:`QB-RecentAttendType`