.. done Is Member Of ============ This Condition located on the Enrollments category tab in Search Builder can be set with the Comparison as Equal and the Value as True, and you can specify a Program, Division and Organization to find *everyone currently enrolled* in that organization *regardless of member type.* You can also just specify a Program or a Program and a Division. Probably the most common usage is to query by Program and Division. This is very helpful when you need to communicate with everyone in the entire Division, but not the entire Program. By using the Division instead of adding a separate Condition for each organization, the search will be more efficient, and much easier when creating your search. .. admonition:: Use Case - Email Members of Multiple Orgs If you want to email all the students enrolled in a Life Group, use this Condition, selecting the Program Life Groups and the Division Students.  .. admonition:: Use Case 2 - Gather Statistics This is also a good query to use when you just need to gather some statistics. You can easily find out how many people are enrolled in a given Program, such as Women's Ministry. The count of the results is at the top of the results section after you run the search, and it will be the total number of people enrolled, not the total number of enrollments. In other words, even though a person might be enrolled in more than on org in the specified Program and Division, Search Builder will return each person only one time regardless of the numbers or enrollments they have in the Prog/Div. .. figure:: https://i.tpsdb.com/2016-08-30_12-15-16.png :target: # .. seealso:: :doc:`../Organizations/ProgramsDivisionsOrganizations` | | +--------------------+------------------+ | **Latest Update** | **01/27/2020** | +--------------------+------------------+ Clarified that the condition finds *everyone currently enrolled regardless of member type.*