.. done Recent Registration Type ======================== This Condition located on the Enrollment category tab in Search Builder helps you find people that have registered using **online registration** based on the **type of online registration** and based on the **number of days** since they registered. You have the option to select a Program, Division, Organization, or Org Type. .. admonition:: Use Case You may just want to find out how many online registrations you have in a week. Leave the Reg Type as Not Specified and enter 7 for the lookback days. This will let you know how many people registered for anything during the past week. You can then filter for a specific Program and Division to see how many of those people registered for a specific ministry. .. note:: If your registration uses the Registration Type Compute Org by Birthday or User Selects, the individual organizations will have the registration type of Join Organization. That is the type you will need for your query.