Training Months Ago =================== This Condition, in the Volunteer category tab, will find people based on the number of months since their training was completed. Enter the number of months and a Comparison, such as Greater Than to find those who will need to complete training again. Most churches require their volunteers to have a new training certificate every 24 months. So using `Greater Than 23` would find those needing training. This date is stored on a person's record under the tab `Involvement > Volunteer` in the `Training Classes` section . .. admonition:: Use Case and Report Use this search and set it to `Less Than or Equal to 1` month to find those who recently completed training. .. admonition:: Those without a Training Processed Date There may be times you want to find a group of people and see which of them do not have a Training Processed Date on their record. To do that, select this Condition and use Greater Than 1000. There is some smoke an mirrors involved here, but it works! .. seealso:: | :doc:`../People/PersonPageTabs` | :doc:`../People/MinistrySafe-BackgroundCh` +--------------------+------------------+ | **Latest Update** | **1/3/2023** | +--------------------+------------------+ Updated to clarify purpose of condition