Compact Directory

Compact Directory

This directory is a 3-column family directory and is accessed from everywhere you see the blue Toolbar. You will find it under the cloud icon in the Directories section. This is a great option for those churches that want to provide a printed directory for their members, but who do not want to print the larger Picture Directory or Family Picture Directory.

Each family grouping will have the following:

  • Primary Adults listed on the top line in bold type - last name followed by the first names of the husband and then the wife

  • Beneath that will be the first names and ages (in parentheses) of all the children and Secondary Adults in the family

  • Family address

  • Home phone number

  • Cell numbers and email addresses for the Primary Adults


If the calculated Head of Household is a child, that’s the name that will appear at the top of the family section, with the child’s age in parentheses. His email address will also display.

Also, if the child’s last name is different from that of the Head of Household, his first and last name will display.

See also

Position in Family - Head of Household Calculation


Here is a sample of what a Compact Directory would look like. This has a custom header and page numbers that were added after the directory opened in Word.

Compact Directory

See also

Toolbar Options

Latest Update


Modify image link with secure protocol.