Was Org Member As Of

Located on the Enrollment History category tab in Search Builder this Condition allows you to find people who were enrolled in a Program and/or Division (using a date range) even if they are no longer enrolled or even if the organizations in that Division are Inactive.

You can find people who were enrolled in a specific organization during that date range, but the organization has to be Active in order to display in the drop down list.

Set the Comparison to Equal and the Value to True and then select a date range and a Program/Division (and Organization, if desired).


This Condition does not look at Member Type, just whether or not they were enrolled during the specified date range.

Use Case

Perhaps you offered Financial classes least year. You can use this Condition to find everyone that was enrolled during that time frame for the Program and Division for the Financial classes. If your classes were not the only orgs in a Division you can use Org Type if those orgs have a special Org Type of Financial or something that uniquely identifies them as those special classes.