Upload Tasks & Notes

The Upload Tasks & Notes batch action will allow you to create or update tasks and/or notes in mass. This can be useful if you have captured tasks or notes about people in another system and want to import that information into TouchPoint. Though most task and note mass edits can be done using the available Mass Actions, there may be times in which you need to use the Upload Tasks & Notes feature.

Here are some examples:

  • The OwnerId needs changed on several tasks/notes

  • The CreatedDate needs changed on several tasks/notes

  • The LimitToRole needs changed on several tasks/notes


The Admin role is required to perform the following steps.

Uploading New Tasks/Notes

Step 1

Go to the Tasks & Notes search page (People > Tasks & Notes) or the TouchPoints tab on a person’s record.

Step 2

Check the box to the left of any Task or Note.

Step 3

Select Export to Excel from the Mass Actions dropdown menu.

Step 4

Open the file in Excel and use the information on Row 2 of the spreadsheet as a guide for the information needed when adding additional tasks or notes. Save your changes.


The columns are case and space sensitive. Pay close attention and make sure the information you put in the column matches exactly what is in TouchPoint. If you are adding/editing the LimitToRole column, the role you are adding must already exist in TouchPoint.

Step 5

Go to Admin > Tools > Update > Tasks & Notes, choose the Excel file you modified, and click the blue Submit button.


Making Mass Edits To Existing Tasks/Notes

Step 1

Go to the Tasks & Notes search page (People > Tasks & Notes) or the TouchPoints tab on a person’s record.

Step 2

Check the boxes to the left of any Task and/or Note that needs updated.

Step 3

Select Export to Excel from the Mass Actions dropdown menu.

Step 4

Open the file in Excel and edit the information in the appropriate column(s). Save your changes.


This columns are case and space sensitive. Pay close attention and make sure the information you put in the column matches exactly what is in TouchPoint. If you are adding/editing the LimitToRole column, the role you are adding must already exist in TouchPoint.

Step 5

Go to Admin > Tools > Update > Tasks & Notes, choose the Excel file you modified, and click the blue Submit button.


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