
model.AddExtraValueMeeting(meetingId, field, value)
  • meetingId (int) – The meetingId for the meeting to which the extra value should be added

  • field (str) – The name of the extra value to add/edit

  • value (str) – The value for the extra value

This function either will add an extra value with the specified name and value or if an extra value of that name already exists on the meeting, will set the value as specified.

model.DeleteExtraValueMeeting(meetingId, field)

the number of extra values deleted

Return type:


  • meetingId (int) – The meetingId for the meeting from which the extra values should be removed

  • field (str) – The name of the extra value to remove

model.EditCommitment(meetingId, peopleId, commitment)
  • meetingId (int) – The meetingId of the meeting on which you are editing a commitment

  • peopleId (int) – The PeopleId of the person for whom you are editing a commitment

  • commitment (str) – String indicating commitment. One of: Attending, Regrets, Find Sub, Sub Found, Substitute, Uncommitted, all case-insensitive. If the string is not recognized, no changes will be made.

model.EditPersonAttendance(meetingId, peopleId, attended)
  • meetingId (int) – The Meeting ID number

  • peopleId (int) – The People ID number

  • attended (bool) – True if the person attended; false if they didn’t.


A description of the attendance action taken

Return type:


Edit the attendance for a person for a specific meeting.

model.ExtraValueMeeting(meetingId, field)

the value of the specified extra value

Return type:


  • meetingId (int) – The meetingId of the meeting with the extra value whose value you are retrieving

  • field (str) – The name of the extra value whose value you are retrieving


the meeting with the specified meetingId or null if the meeting does not exist

Return type:



meetingId (int) –

model.GetMeetingIdByDateTime(orgId, meetingtime, createIfNotExists=true)

the meetingId or None if the meeting does not exist and should not be created

Return type:


  • orgId (int) –

  • meetingtime (timestamp) – A Unix-style timestamp in seconds since Epoch, UTC

  • createIfNotExists (bool) – specify whether a meeting should be created if one does not exist with the specified properties

model.GetMeetingIdByDateTime(orgId, meetingDate, createIfNotExists=true)

the meetingId or None if the meeting does not exist and should not be created

Return type:


  • orgId (int) –

  • meetingDate (datetime) – The DateTime for the start of the meeting, in the local timezone of the church

  • createIfNotExists (bool) – specify whether a meeting should be created if one does not exist with the specified properties

model.GetMeetingIdsByDateTime(meetingDate, orgId=null, exactStart=false)

An Enumerable of the Meeting IDs

Return type:


  • meetingDate (object) – A timestamp or DateTime for the meeting, in the local timezone of the church

  • orgId (int) – The ID of the Involvement to which the meetings belong. Null to search for all Involvements

  • exactStart (bool) – If true, this function will only return meetings that start at exactly the given time. If false (default), it will return the first meeting happening during the given time, even if it starts earlier

Get a list of meeting IDs happening at a given moment for (optionally) a given involvement.

model.GetMeetingsByDateTime(meetingDate, orgId, exactStart=false)

An Enumerable of the Meeting objects

Return type:


  • meetingDate (object) – A timestamp or DateTime for the meeting, in the local timezone of the church

  • orgId (int) – The ID of the Involvement to which the meetings belong

  • exactStart (bool) – If true, this function will only return meetings that start at exactly the given time. If false (default), it will return the first meeting happening during the given time, even if it starts earlier

Get a list of meetings happening at a given moment for a given involvement.

model.GetMeetingsByDateTime(meetingDate, orgIds=null, exactStart=false)

An Enumerable of the Meeting objects

Return type:


  • meetingDate (object) – A timestamp or DateTime for the meeting, in the local timezone of the church

  • orgIds (IEnumerable<int>) – The IDs of the Involvements to which the meetings belong

  • exactStart (bool) – If true, this function will only return meetings that start at exactly the given time. If false (default), it will return the first meeting happening during the given time, even if it starts earlier

Get a list of meetings happening at a given moment for given involvements.

model.GetMeetingsByDateTimeRange(rangeStart, rangeEnd, orgId, exactStartEnd=false)

An Enumerable of the Meeting objects

Return type:


  • rangeStart (object) – A timestamp or DateTime for the beginning of the range

  • rangeEnd (object) – A timestamp or DateTime for the end of the range

  • orgId (int) – The ID of the Involvement to which the meetings belong

  • exactStartEnd (bool) – If true, this function will only return meetings that start and end at exactly the given times. If false (default), it will return all meetings that at least partially overlap the range

Get a list of meetings happening within a given range of time for a given involvement.

model.GetMeetingsByDateTimeRange(rangeStart, rangeEnd, orgIds=null, exactStartEnd=false)

An Enumerable of the Meeting objects

Return type:


  • rangeStart (object) – A timestamp or DateTime for the beginning of the range

  • rangeEnd (object) – A timestamp or DateTime for the end of the range

  • orgIds (IEnumerable<int>) – The IDs of the Involvements to which the meetings belong. Null to search for all Involvements

  • exactStartEnd (bool) – If true, this function will only return meetings that start and end at exactly the given times. If false (default), it will return all meetings that at least partially overlap the range

Get a list of meetings happening within a given range of time for the given involvements.

model.GetNextScheduledMeetingDate(orgId, referenceDate=null)

The date of the next meeting or null if there is not going to be a meeting within one year from the date provided in referenceDate

Return type:


  • orgId (int) – The ID of the involvement for which you want the meeting date/time

  • referenceDate (object) – The date/time when you want to check for the next meeting. This must be a future date when the previous meeting would be. Otherwise, today’s date is used if this is not provided

Gets the next scheduled date when an involvement will have a meeting after the specified date/time.

model.MeetingDidNotMeet(meetingId, didNotMeet=null)

the value to which DidNotMeet was set or null if the meeting was not found

Return type:


  • meetingId (int) – The meetingId of the meeting for which you are setting the DidNotMeet flag

  • didNotMeet (bool) –

model.MeetingIsAllDay(meetingId, isAllDay=null)

True if the meeting should appear as ‘all day’ on calendars. False if not. Null if the meeting does not exist

Return type:


  • meetingId (int) – Meeting Id for the meeting

  • isAllDay (bool) – True if the meeting should appear as ‘all day’ on calendars

Get or set the Is All Day attribute for a meeting.

model.MeetingShowAsBusy(meetingId, showAsBusy=null)

True if the meeting should appear as ‘busy’ on calendars. False if not. Null if the meeting does not exist

Return type:


  • meetingId (int) – Meeting Id for the meeting

  • showAsBusy (bool) – True if the meeting should appear as ‘busy’ on calendars

Get or set the Show As Busy attribute for a meeting.

model.UpdateMeetingDate(meetingId, dateTimeStart)

The updated meeting date or null if the meeting doesn’t exist or the date couldn’t be parsed

Return type:


  • meetingId (int) – Meeting Id for the meeting which should be updated

  • dateTimeStart (object) – The new datetime start

Update an existing Meeting with a new Start date/time.

model.UpdateMeetingDuration(meetingId, duration)
  • meetingId (int) – Meeting Id for the meeting which should be updated

  • duration (int) – The new duration, in minutes

Update an existing Meeting with a new duration in minutes.

model.UpdateMeetingEnd(meetingId, dateTimeEnd)

The updated meeting end date or null if the meeting doesn’t exist or the date couldn’t be parsed

Return type:


  • meetingId (int) – Meeting Id for the meeting which should be updated

  • dateTimeEnd (object) – The new datetime end

Update an existing Meeting with a new End date/time.

Latest Update


Updated with missing functions and alphabetized.