Org Search Member Stats¶
This script runs from the OrgSearch BlueToolbar.
The intent of the report is to allow you to filter for a set of organizations and get a report of all current members in those orgs along with the following information related to that org and information related to the individual’s Main Fellowship org:
Org ID# (which is a link to the org)
Org Name
First Name of individual
Last Name of individual
Join Date (church membership)
Enroll Date (org enrollment)
Last Attended Date
Attendance Percentage
Attendance String
Member Type (in filtered Org)
Main Fellowship Org Name
Main Fellowship Leader
Main Fellowship Date Last Attended
Main Fellowship Attendance Percentate
Main Fellowship Attendance String
The reason we added the Main Fellowship information is to allow you to further evaluate a person’s involvement in your church.
Sample Report
Use the following code to Create the SQL Script. See How to create a SQL Script.
;With FellowshipInfo as (
SELECT c.OrganizationId
, c.FirstName
, c.LastName
, c.PeopleId
, c.JoinDate
, c.EnrollDate
, c.LastAttend
, c.AttendPct
, c.AttendStr
, c.MemberType
, p.BibleFellowshipClassId
FROM dbo.CurrOrgMembers(@orgids) c
JOIN People p on p.PeopleId = c.PeopleId
Select fi.OrganizationId
, fi.OrganizationName
, fi.FirstName
, fi.LastName
, fi.JoinDate
, fi.EnrollDate
, fi.LastAttend
, fi.AttendPct
, fi.AttendStr
, fi.MemberType
, MainFellowshipName = mf.OrganizationName
, MFLeader = mf.LeaderName
, MFLastAttend = mfm.LastAttended
, MFAttPct = mfm.AttendPct
, MFAttStr = mfm.AttendStr
FROM FellowshipInfo fi
JOIN Organizations mf on fi.BibleFellowshipClassId = mf.OrganizationId
JOIN OrganizationMembers mfm on mfm.PeopleId = fi.PeopleId and mfm.OrganizationId = fi.BibleFellowshipClassId
ORDER BY fi.OrganizationID, fi.LastName
Latest Update |
11/13/2020 |
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