Offsite Trip Organizations¶
This script runs from the Main Reports Menu if added to the Menu (Special Content > Text > Custom Reports Menu). It shows any organization that is marked as an Off-site Trip type of org. Members of the organization are shown too.
The recommended name is OffsiteTripOrganizations
Use the following code to Create the SQL Script. See How to create a SQL Script.
SELECT o.OrganizationId
,os.Description OrganizationStatus
,mt.Description MemberType
FROM dbo.Organizations o
LEFT JOIN lookup.OrganizationStatus os ON os.Id = o.OrganizationStatusId
JOIN dbo.OrganizationMembers om ON om.OrganizationId = o.OrganizationId
LEFT JOIN lookup.MemberType mt ON mt.Id = om.MemberTypeId
JOIN dbo.People p ON p.PeopleId = om.PeopleId
WHERE Offsite = 1
ORDER BY o.OrganizationName, p.Name2