Contribution Change Log

Users with the Finance role can access this at Administration > Contributions > Change Log. This logs contribution splits, edits, deletes, and pledge edits and deletes.


The log itself includes the following information, and you may sort by each column:


Date and Timestamp that the edit, split, or delete action occurred.


The Contribution or Pledge ID of the affected entry. For Contributions, the link is a shortcut to the Batch where the Contribution may be found. For Pledges, the link is a shortcut to the Pledges page.


You will either see Delete, Edit, Split, Delete Pledge, Edit Pledge, New Recurring, Edit Recurring, Delete Recurring, New Recurring Pledge, Edit Recurring Pledge, or Delete Recurring Pledge listed here to indicate what type of change occurred.


You may see a Donor’s Name (and People ID), a Dollar Amount, a Fund Name (and Fund ID), a Date, or a string of information (if the Contribution were deleted entirely) listed here to indicate what was originally listed for that Contribution Entry.


You may see a Donor’s Name (and People ID), a Dollar Amount, a Fund Name (and Fund ID), a Date, or a blank field (if the Contribution were deleted entirely) listed here to indicate the new information.


You will see the Username associated with the Finance user who made the change.

Latest Update


Updates to include pledge changes