Insert People

TouchPoint can import your data for a fee of $250 per spreadsheet, if you fill out our spreadsheet as follows:

Notice that there are 3 tabs:

  1. The People tab is where you will enter your data.

  2. The Notes tab has explanations for some of the columns.

  3. The SampleData tab has some sample data included as a reference.

Follow these steps:

Step 1

Fill out the spreadsheet with your data. (See important message below before starting this step.)

Step 2

Review your data. (This is very important step.)

Step 3

Save the spreadsheet using the name of your church in the document name.

Step 4

Email the spreadsheet as an attachment to


Please read and note the following information before beginning to complete the spreadsheet.

Also, for married couples, the Position for both husband and wife is Primary.

Column Headings

Use the same column headings spelled in the same way as on our spreadsheet, otherwise, the import will not work.

Family ID

Give each member of a family the same FamilyId number. It does not matter what numbers you use. You can use 1 for the first family, 2 for the second, and so on.


These are not necessary unless they are something like Dr. or Rev. When you print labels in TouchPoint and select Use Titles, TouchPoint will automatically select the appropriate Title, if none is entered, based on age, gender, and marital status. When you combine couples for the output, the default is Mr. and Mrs., but other titles, such as Dr. will be used if they are on the person’s record.


Use the words Male or Female or M and F. Leave field empty if gender is unknown.


If the family has a husband and a wife, make the Position for both of them Primary. Anyone else in the family should have a Position of Child.


The only exception would be an adult family member for whom the family is the caregiver – such as an elderly, invalid parent. This person can be given the Position of Secondary or he can be placed in his own family unit.

Contact Information

Copy and paste the same Address, City, State, Zip and Home Phone on the records for everyone in the same family.

Goes By

The field is for nicknames such as Jim for James. If the person goes by the name you enter in the First name field, do not enter anything in the Goes By field.


Do not use the AltName field unless your congregation is non-English…Chinese, for example. This is where you can put the Chinese characters.

Extra Columns

If you have extra data you want us to capture, no problem. You can add extra columns as needed in order to capture things such as LifeGroup or Committees or Classifications. Just include those as additional columns on the right. Put a title in the heading for the name of the field. NoSpacesLikeThis - See SampleData tab of the spreadsheet. We will store these fields in an ExtraValue field attached to the individual’s record.


If you do not have certain pieces of information about a person, leave the cell empty. Do not put a dash or NA in the cell.

If you are copying this data from an existing spreadsheet, just move the columns over individually, but obey all the rules above.

Sample Data Examples - Explanations

Open the InsertPeople spreadsheet and click on the SampleData tab. Notice the following information about the data.

Family ID 1

Both the husband and the wife have the Position Primary Adult. Both the children have the Position Child. Everyone has the same family ID #, Address and Home Phone #.

Family ID 2

This is a family with only one person - a Primary Adult. He has a nickname in the GoesBy field. He has no Home Phone, so that field is left empty.

Family ID 3

Two Primary adults and one Secondary adult. The Secondary adult is an elderly parent for whom they are responsible and who lives in their household.

Family ID 4

There are no adults in this family (this is a scenario in which a child visits and the church does not have the parents in the database). The child should still have the Position Child, even though he is the only person in the family.

Existing Clients

We have a feature that will allow you to add people yourself to your database using the same Insert People Spreadsheet. The best use of this is for adding new records to your database. If the spreadsheet contains records for people who are already in your database, it may result in duplicate records.

If you choose to use this free option for inserting people into your database from a spreadsheet, it will be your responsibility to handle any duplicates that are created and to correct any existing records that are changed during the process.


When using the Insert People process with an established database, it is extremely important that you give careful attention to the Family ID column. If you do not include data in this column, the system will assign a single new Family ID for all records in the spreadsheet, with the result that all inserted records will be placed in the same family.

Submit a normal Support Request and ask for permission to use this process yourself.

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