Position in Family

TouchPoint has 3 hard-wired family positions to identify relationships within the immediate family. Search Builder has several Conditions on the Family tab relating to these family positions to help you find families based on their makeup.

  1. Primary Adult

  2. Child

  3. Secondary Adult

Primary Adult

Both a husband and a wife should have the Position type of Primary Adult, should have the marital status of Married, and should have a Gender set. However, there should not be more than 2 Primary Adults in the family. A single adult in a family alone or with children should also have the Position of Primary Adult.


All children in the family unit should have the Position type of Child, regardless of whether or not there are adults in the family. Each church can decide when to move adult children from a family unit. Normally, this would be when they no longer live in the household.

Secondary Adult

Secondary Adult is used primary for an elderly, invalid parent who comes to live in the household. It can also be used for adult children that still live at home. However, these adult children can also be placed in their own family units, even if their address is the same as their parents.


We do not recommend doing this, but if your System Admin adds extra positions other than the 3 hard-wired positions, any position with an ID greater than 30 will be treated as a Child.

See also

Lookup Codes

To Change the Position

Step 1

Click on the pencil icon in blue Position badge in the business card section of a person’s record.

Step 2

Select the correct Position from the list.

Step 3

Click the blue check mark to save change.

Head of Household Calculation

Head of Household

This is calculated behind the scenes and is used when you select a Family type of export such as Family Labels and other uses where a family name is displayed. This is also used in Search Builder when you select the Condition Is Head of Household.

  • The male Primary Adult in a family will be the Head of Household.

  • If there is no male Primary Adult, the female Primary Adult will be the Head of Household.

  • If there are no adults in the family, the oldest child will, in effect, be the Head of Household.

  • If there is only one child in the family, he will be the Head of Household.

Children in a family unit without adults should still have the Position of Child.


If you wish to override the Head of Household calculation in a family, you will need first to set the administrative setting CanOverrideHeadOfHousehold to True. Then, anyone with the Admin role can go to the record of the Spouse (the one not currently marked as the Head) and from the blue Toolbar, under the Gear icon, select Promote to head of household. If you choose to do this, you will need to update the CoupleName Family Extra Value to include exactly how the title and name to appear on the contribution statement and any mailing labels.

See also

Couple Name


When children are split from the family into their own family units, you can still retain that family connection by making a Related Family connection.

Also, adult children living at the same address as their parents, can be put into their own family unit if you want.

Latest Update


Updated note about Head of Household