Volunteer Commitment Conflicts¶
If you have more than one Volunteer Calendar, and you have volunteers who serve in multiple areas, you may have date and time conflicts. TouchPoint makes it easy for you to see at a glance, (and resolve) any conflicts for your volunteer. These conflicts will be with commitments a volunteer has in 2 or more organizations that are Volunteer Calendars.
Find Conflicts While Viewing the Organization¶
- Step 1
Go to the Meetings tab of an organization that is used as a Volunteer Calendar and click Show Future Meetings.
Meetings with conflicts (i.e., someone committed for that meeting who is also committed for another meeting at the same time) will display in red.
- Step 2
From the Meetings tab, click the date of the meeting that is red to view that specific meeting.
The individual(s) with the conflict will be shaded in red.
- Step 3
While on the specific Meeting that has conflicts, click the name of the volunteer with a conflict to view his people record.
Then click Involvement > Attendance > Show Future Meetings.
All meetings for which this volunteer has conflicts will be shaded in red. On this view you will see both sides of the conflict - that is, both organizations.
Find Conflicts While Viewing the Volunteer Calendar¶
- Step 1
On the right side of the calendar page is a list entitled With Conflicts where everyone with a conflict will be listed in red.
Looking at the calendar itself in the time slot box, the name of anyone with a conflict will be in bold red.
- Step 2
Click the Meeting link in the time slot box to view the actual meeting.
Those will conflicts will be shaded in red.
- Step 3
Click the person’s name to view their people record. And then click Involvement > Attendance > Show Future Meetings where the meetings with conflicts will be shaded in red. You will see both organizations in which he is committed.
Find Conflicts on a Volunteer’s People Record¶
The volunteer can do see this himself.
Click Involvement > Attendance > Show Future Meetings. All meetings with conflicts will be highlighted in red. You will see both organizations in which the conflict(s) exist.
Resolve Conflicts¶
You can decide how you want to handle conflicts, and TouchPoint has several ways to help you.
- Option 1
On the calendar, click on the person’s name in the time slot where a conflict is indicated. This will highlight the name in orange.
Then click in the box Target Here to Remove Commitments. That will remove the volunteer from their commitment for that day/time.
- Option 2
Click the Meeting link in the time slot to go to the Meeting page for the one with the conflict.
Select the Editing radio button, and then click in the Commitment column, changing the volunteer’s commitment from Attending to Uncommitted.
- Option 3
Contact the volunteer and ask him to request a sub for the specific dates for which you see a conflict.
Points to remember
The Volunteer Calendar has different permissions from normal organizations, so please note the following information:
Only a manager (a leader in the organization or the System Admin) can access the Volunteer Calendar.
The person managing the Volunteer Calendar can be a Lay Leader with the role OrgLeadersOnly. They can access the calendar as long as they are a leader in that org.
To edit the Meeting page, the user must have Attendance role.
See also