Extra Value Comment Fields on Inreach / Outreach Reports

You can specify that certain Standard Extra Values be displayed on the Inreach / Outreach report (that is accessible from the blue Toolbar for an individual or a group of people).

There are a few requirements:

  1. You must add a setting to your database named evCommentFields. See link for Settings help article below.

  2. Add the names of the Standard Extra Values that you want to display and separate the values with a comma (use no spaces). Only those will display on the report.

  3. The Extra Values must be either Text (single-line) or Text2 (multi-line).

  4. They can be either People or Family Standard Extra Values.


You can create a Standard Extra Value named Note1, for example, assigning it the Type Text2 (multi-line), so that you can enter multiple lines in a text box. Because it is a Standard Extra Value, it will appear on every person’s record, so you can record any notes that will be helpful for someone making a visit. For example: Any visits should be made on the weekends in the afternoon.

Add evCommentFields Setting Code to the settings, and enter Note1 as the Value.


If you want more than one Extra Value to print on the Inreach / Outreach Report, enter all of them in the Setting Value field. Separate them with a comma, but do not add a space. Example: Note1,Directions

Inreach / Outreach Report

If the Extra Values are for individuals, they will display in a Comments section just under the Family Summary, and only on the report for that individual.


If they are Family Extra Values, they will display in a Family Comments section at the bottom of the report, and will display on reports for anyone in the family.


If you are not familiar with the Inreach / Outreach Report check out this article below.

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