Administrative Settings


The Settings page is accessed by your TouchPoint System Admin only, by going to Admin > Advanced > Settings. This is where the Admin user can add or update Settings for your church’s database.

Commonly used settings are already included, so there will rarely be need for adding a setting. Simply locate the setting and modify its value as needed. Setting are grouped by type, such as System, Integrations, etc. Within a type are categories that can be expanded or collapsed. For example, the Integrations type has categories for Twilio and for Protect My Ministry, among others.

See list of Settings below.

To Edit a Setting

Step 1

Click on the Setting Value.

Step 2

Enter the new value. If the value is a date, select it from the date picker. If it is True/False, adjust the toggle to the desired value.

Ste p 3

Click the blue check mark to save the change.

To Create a New Setting Code

As noted above, you should rarely need to add a setting. If you do need to, follow this process:

Step 1

Click the green + Add Setting button visible when on the General category.

Step 2

Enter the Setting Code exactly as you see in the list below, and click Submit.

Step 3

The row for the new setting will be highlighted.

Click in the Setting Value and enter the appropriate value.

Step 4

Click the blue check mark to save the change.



Each of the list items below are the actual Setting Codes. If you are adding one of them to your database, be sure you type it exactly as you see it below.




If your Merchant Provider allows you to accept only debit cards and bank accounts and not credit cards for all online transactions, you can add this Setting named DebitCreditLabel and enter what you want the user to see as the value. You might prefer the label to be Debit Card, instead of the default Debit/Credit Card.


Be sure to check with your Merchant Provider if you are interested in allowing the use of debit cards, but not credit cards for all online transactions. Some providers may not offer that option.


This setting, similar to the one above, will allow you to define the label displayed, but only on the payment pages for giving transactions.


This setting, similar to the two above, will allow you to define the label displayed, but only on the payment pages for registration payments.


Use this setting to specify the funds to display on the managed giving page for the specified campus. In the setting, the -x at the end should be replaced with the campus ID. If, for example, your Main campus has ID 1, enter the setting DefaultCampusFunds-1 and, as its value, enter the IDs of the funds you wish to be displayed for that campus. If you enter multiple fund IDs, separate them with commas. Use DefaultCampusFunds-0 to specify funds to display if you do not have multiple campuses, or if a donor has no campus specified on their record.


Add this setting to enable the Family Extra Values subtab under the Profile tab for business entities.


Add this setting and enter your Google Analytics ID as the value in order to enable page tracking using your own account.


When this setting has a value of True, family members will not see the record of a deceased family member. This will be the case regardless of the system roles the user has. Even those will the Admin role will be unable to see the record of a deceased person in their own family.


This is used by Admins and TouchPoint Support to login as other Users to troubleshoot. Type in a password to be used along with the username when logging in to TouchPoint to impersonate that user.


For security purposes, this setting is automatically deleted each morning during the morning batch.


Create this setting under the General tab named RoleForAddingInvolvements. Once added, enter a role and only users with that role can see the Add Involvement option in the menu and create Involvements. The Edit role is also required.


For all users except MyData users, this setting controls what Involvement types are displayed on the Involvement tabs and in what order. The order in which Involvement types are listed in the settings determines the order in which they are displayed on the Involvement tabs. In the value for this setting, enter Involvement types separated by commas. Including Other in the list will display Involvements in Involvements that have no type.


For MyData users, this setting controls what Involvement types are displayed on the Involvement tabs and in what order. The order in which Involvement types are listed in the settings determines the order in which they are displayed on the Involvement tabs. In the value for this setting, enter Involvement types separated by commas. Including Other in the list will display Involvements in Involvements that have no type.




This will be in all new databases. You can change the Setting Value and use this as a coupon when testing online registrations.


This is the email address that will be used for any admin notifications, and from whom standard automated notifications will be sent.


This is mainly for churches that have Involvements locked down so only users with a specific role can view them. By adding this setting set to true, staff can run the Involvement report and see these protected Involvements in the Activity List even though they may not be able to actually access the Involvement itself. It has a very limited use case.


Enable this Setting with True as the value if you want to be able to add another Gender in the Lookup Codes. If you do add another Gender, if will function as Unknown. We do not recommend that you do this, as Male and Female are used to determine HOH, family labels, and more, but you can choose to do so if you wish.


Toggle to True to be able to add new Grade Levels in the Lookup Codes.


Toggle to True to enable Attendance Reminders for your database.


Toggle to True to allow automatic sign-in for your leaders for Attendance Reminder Text Messages and Emails.


You may choose to ignore the Allow SMS setting on a person’s record and send him/her the Attendance Reminder Text Message, even if he/she has opted out of SMS. This will send a text message to all leaders who have a cell phone number on his/her record.


You may choose to display the Meeting Description at the top of the screen that’s accessed by clicking on an Attendance Reminder link.


You may limit the options in the Meeting Category to a dropdown (customized in Administratition > Setup > Lookup Codes) instead of allowing the leader typing in an open text field.


Toggle to True to enable the Saved Search Builder Search Auto Remove Archive Flag. This will remove the Archived flag from the people records (who match the criteria of the Saved Search) during the morning batch process.


This will be in your database and should not be changed. This points the TouchPoint News link to the TouchPoint News blog on the home page, which is where we notify users of changes and new features.


This will be in your database and should not be changed. This presents the TouchPoint News blog articles on the home page, which is where we notify users of changes and new features.


If you add this setting, every new record will require a Campus be selected. There is no option for leaving the Campus not specified.

However, if you also have the Setting ShowCampusOnRegistration and, for some reason, do not want registrants (who are creating a new people record) to be required to select a Campus during the registration, you can check Not Req Campus on the Involvement’s Registration > Registration tab. When you select this for a registration the Campus option is displayed for the registrant, but with Optional displaying. See ShowCampusOnRegistration setting below.


Enter this setting with a value of true to enable an Admin’s ability to override the default Head of Household calculation for any family desired. Once this is enabled, an Admin can promote another family member to Head.


Add this setting with a value of true to add a prompt that will appear after you click Send, asking “Are You Sure?” and giving you an opportunity to cancel or continue.

Enable Limit Editing/Hide Fields

When set to True, users can set which person fields are required/hidden/editable when creating person records in the web, Check-In and the mobile app. Options set under Administration > Misc > Limit Editing/Hide Fields.


You may choose to ignore the field validation which prevents numbers and special characters from Name fields.


Add this Setting with the value equal true when you want only those with the user role EditCampus to be able to change/edit the Campus on a person’s record. This applies only to the Campus field on a person’s record, not to setting the Campus for an Involvement. After adding this Setting, add the User Role EditCampus in the Lookup Codes and assign that role to everyone that should be able to edit the Campus for an individual.

Exception: If you have this Setting, a My Data user (and any other user) can edit his and his family’s Campus without having the EditCampus role if you have the Setting MyDataCanEditCampus.


If you have Standard Extra Values that you want to display on the Inreach / Outreach Report, add this Setting Code and enter in the Setting Value the names of the Extra Values you want to display on the report, separated by a comma (no spaces).


Update this setting to the date that every child’s grade will be updated to the next grade or “class of” year. The default is July 1.

Hide Blue Toolbar Directories

You may decide to hide all Directories that are accessed from the Cloud Icon of the Blue Toolbar.


When this setting has a value of True, the grade (legacy) field will be hidden.

Involvements to Display

This allows you to configure which Involvement Types may be filtered from view for MyData Users.


This setting, found on the System tab and in the Administration section, should be set to your local time zone and will convert system times to your local time.


By default, this is set to 10000 for Excel exports.


By default, Empty Meeting Types will not be included in the Meeting Types Report. You may toggle this to True to to include the Empty Meeting Types.


Without this setting, behind the scenes, the default is True. If you add the Setting Code to your database, you can enter false as the Value. This will disable the Add New Person option under People in the header. The button still displays, but the person clicking it will be taken to the help article explaining why it is disabled.


This Setting is an age, such as 13. Without this setting, the default is 16. This applies to people trying to create a user account on the church database. For churches that do not capture dates of birth, they may want to add this Setting ID and make the value 0. This will allow a person without a date of birth to create a user account.


For dates, this will display the month, then the day. By default, it is set to true.


If you are using Morning Batch, this will get created automatically and display the last date / time that it ran.

See also

Morning Batch


If you need to have special roles (e.g., the Finance role) for any of the Python scripts in your morning batch, enter in the value the name of an account with the needed roles. This can be an existing user account, or one you have created specifically for this purpose.


You may optionally rename the New Member Class heading on the Profile > Member tab of the People page.


Select the person serving as the New People Manager for your church. You can select more than one person. The first person in the list will be the user that owns the New Data Entry tasks.


This must be used in conjunction with the setting NoBirthYearRole. You can configure this setting if you want these users to see the age and complete DOB for those under a specified age. Without this setting, if you use NoBirthYearRole, those aged 18 and under will have their age and complete DOB displayed. You only need this if you want to raise or lower the age for those whose ages/DOB can be seen.


Configuring this setting will require that you specify a user role whose users should not see an age or a birth year for those records they can view in the database. One use case might be for OrgLeadersOnly. This will allow staff users but not lay leaders to view ages and complete dates of birth, .

This will mask that information on all on-screen places where a DOB or age appear, such as people lists and people records as well as normal exports and reports. It also masks this information on the mobile app.

If the person has a DOB, this user will be able to see the Month and Day. With this Setting all users can see the complete DOB and Age for a child, i.e. anyone aged 18 and under. See next Setting (NoBirthYearOverAge) if you want to change the age.


Enter the name of the Status Flag you want to set your Online Picture Directory to.


By default, the value is true. This allows a user to add a head count to a regular meeting. If you want them to be required to change the meeting type from Regular to Headcount, change this to false.


If you want to require that the year is included when birthdays are entered, add this setting and give it the value of true. Without this setting, or if its value is false, the birthday can be entered as month and day only (mm/dd).


The default in the database is 180 days. If you add this setting code, you can specify how many days a person can go without attending the class before the system resets their Attend Type back to New Visitor.


By default, this is set to false. If you have either created or asked TouchPoint to create a Python script to run each morning, you will change the Value to true.

See also

Morning Batch


This setting allows you to select who will receive error email notifications. If you do not specify anyone, those notifications will go to all Admins.


Give this setting a value of false to offer Involvement options only if Program and Division have been selected in Search Builder conditions that allow for adding program, division, and Involvement as parameters. Without this setting, or with its value set to true, all Involvements will appear in the drop down list of Involvements.


This setting will display the AltName in Basic Search, Quick Search, PostBundleEdit, as well as in Search Builder results. The AltName will display beside or under the person’s LastName in the results. This was added to aid Chinese churches that use Chinese characters in the AltName field, but also works for English as well. The value should be = true.

See also

Alt Name - Help article just about AltName and its uses.
Alt Name - This is the Search Builder article.

If you want to change the default sort order for how the list of Campuses will display, add this setting and set the value to true. You will then need to set the order in the Lookup Codes. Click in the Code field for each Campus and enter the sort as a number followed by a dash in front of the existing Campus Code. Example: 1-AP, 2-AR, 3-BV, and so on.

See also

Lookup Codes


Add this setting code and enter as the value, the text you want as the subject line of the Email Attendance Notices, if you do not want to use the default subject.


This is specifically to allow searches by one or more Chinese characters of the AltName when searching using Basic Search, Quick Search, and PostBundleEdit. You need this only if you use Chinese characters. By default, a search using English letters allows you to search by using the first few letters of a name. The value should be = true.

See also

Alt Name


Enter either true or false depending on whether or not your church wants the membership process to be automated.


Enter the URL for the image you want to display at the top left corner, inside of TouchPoint. This will likely be your church’s logo. This will be visible when people access TouchPoint in full-screen from a web browser on either a desktop/laptop computer or a mobile device.


Enter the URL for the image you want to display at the top left corer, inside of TouchPoint. This will likely be your church’s logo. This will be visible when people access TouchPoint from a web browser on a tablet.

Vital Stats Graph Role

By default the Vital Stats Graphs are available to all users with the Access role. To restrict the graphs to only certain roles, enter the desired role(s) in this setting.

Church Info


Enter the URL for your church’s blog. This will link the heading of the Church News Widget on the home page to this web address.


Enter the URL for your church’s blog to pull in recent blog posts into the Church News Widget.


This phone number will display at the bottom of your TouchPoint database along with the church name and the AdminMail email address. Enter without dashes.


Enter the URL for your church’s website, if applicable. This can be used in online registrations to return a person to your website.


This will be automatically configured with the date of your data conversion.


Enter the ID# (not the name) of the campus to use as the default campus on new records and new Involvements. Leave empty if your church does not have more than one campus in the database.


Enter the name as you want it to appear on the bottom of your TouchPoint database.


The value is the street address of your church in this format: 2000 Appling Rd, Cordova, TN 38016 This address is used for Driving Directions.



Specify a minimum length for your TouchPoint passwords.


You may optionally require at least one number in the password.


You may optionally require at least one upper case letter in the password.


You may optionally require at least one special character in the password.


You can add this setting code if you need to extend the length of time a person has to use a link that is sent to them to either set their password for the first time or to reset a password for an existing account. The default is 24 hours, but you might want to set it to 48. We do not recommend setting it for much longer than that. Use an integer for the actual value.


You may optionally enable 2-Factor Authentication at login.


Use this setting to determine how many days a two-factor authentication will remain valid. The default is 30 days.


Enter the roles that you will require have 2FA set up.


You may optionally use ReCaptcha for Online Giving.




Coming Soon: Primary and Secondary family members are all allowed to checkout children in the family. The default minimum age for older siblings to checkout younger siblings is 18. Use this setting to change the minimum age.

Check-in Text

This setting allows you to edit the default text above the keypad for Check-In. In order for no text to display, leave it empty. This can be useful if you have a background image that conflicts with the location of that text.

Classroom Dashboard: On the Way

When set to “True”, those who have checked in will show On the Way until marked Present.


The default text message to send to the parent(s).


By default, Inactive Members of an Involvement will display as enrolled in the Involvement when they enter their phone number at the Check-In kiosk. In other words, they will not need to find a class to attend. If you do not want Inactive Members to be able to check into the Involvement in which they are Inactive, set the value to True.

Enable Limit to Campus

When set to True, allows individuals to be moved to other Involvements only in the same campus in the Classroom Dashboard.

Enable Move Classroom

When set to True, allow children to be moved from one class to another in the classroom dashboard.


The number of minutes before a meeting starts when people can start checking in. You can override this per Involvement on the Check-In tab.

Exclude from Recommended

If a person record is in the specified Status Flag, they should NOT see Recommended Involvements.

See also

Status Flags


The number of minutes after a meeting starts when people can still check in. You can override this per Involvement on the Check-In tab.


When set to True, any number search less than 7 digits is limited to the Admin PIN, Logout PIN, or Extra Value PIN.

Move Classroom Alert Message

The default message to parents when a child has been moved to another classroom.


Set the value to True in order for the New People Manager(s) to receive an email each time someone edits a person’s record during the Check-In process. These are like the notifications received when a lay person edits their own record.

Restrict Check-In Attendance

When set to True for a Scheduler or Childcare involvement, only those scheduled will be able to check in. Others will not be able to claim attendance.

Restrict Check-In By IP

Enter a comma separated list of public IP addresses to restrict access to Check-In by only those IP addresses. Any other IP addresses will not be able to access Check-In. Leave the value Empty to allow access to Check-In from anywhere. Note: This setting does not apply to a user logged in with the Admin role. Also, be sure to include the IP adress of your proxy, if applicable


Set the value to True to allow a child (who is not in the family with his or her non-custodial parent in TouchPoint) to display in the family list of his non-custodial parent when that parent enters his or her phone number at Check-In. This works only if the child has the Parent Extra Value with the non-custodial parent’s People ID.

Show Code On Classroom Dashboard

Set the value to True to display the child’s security code on the details page.


Coming Soon: Setting the value to True provides the parent during Check-In a checkbox allowing them to use their mobile app QR code for checkout instead of printing a security label.


Set the value to False to disable a leader’s ability to text a parent from the classroom dashboard.


Set the value to True if you prefer a 4-digit security code instead of the default 3-character alphanumeric code on the Check-In label.

Tasks & Notes

Disable Comments Tab

Setting the value to True will hide the Comments tab under the Profile tab. Use the Task & Notes upload tool to mass upload comments into Tasks & Notes.


You may optionally disable the New Person Data Entry Tasks and the emails sent to the New People Manager when new people records are created in the system. Even with this setting enabled, newly created records will still have a member status of Just Added.


If you are using Involvement Notes, you may optionally limit the visibility of the Notes tab to those with the specified roles. List them in the Value field, separated by a comma.


If you are using Involvement Notes, you may optionally restrict the Notes tab to just specific Involvement Types. List the Involvement Types in the Value field, separated by a comma.


This setting will let you determine which user roles will display in the Limit To Role drop down list on the Task or Note when a user is creating it. Enter (in the Value field) the user roles (comma separated with no spaces after comma) that you want to display in the drop down.

See also

Add a Note


Enter the number of days (prior to the Due Date) that you would like a reminder email to be sent to the Task Ownwer / Assignee to remind him/her of the Task.


You may optionally set a default role for the Limit To Role field on a Task and Note.

UseInvolvement Notes

Toggle this to enable Involvement Notes. The Notes tab will appear on all Involvements, unless restricted to a specific Involvement Type, per the InvolvementTypesForNotes setting above.

Prayer Requests


Set the Value to the name of the person (or record) where anonymous or unmatched prayer requests will be linked. If no value is set, the system will default to using User ID 1. If there is no User ID 1, it will use the record with the admin username. This person will be the About Person and the Owner if prayer requests are created as Notes. If prayer requests are created as Tasks, this will be the About Person.


We recommend creating a record named Prayer Requests in your database and using that as the AnonymousPerson record.


This will limit all prayer requests that are submitted to the chosen role.


All prayer requests are created as Notes by default. If you prefer to have prayer requests created as Tasks, set the value to the person who should own those tasks.

See also

Prayer Requests

Mobile App


This should be set to your custom mobile app deeplink host name, if you have one. It’s used with Check-In to provide a QR code for users to download the app.


Enter in this setting the text of the SMS message users receive when they request an Easy Sign in code via phone.


Enter in this setting the subject line for the email users receive when they request an Easy Sign in code via email.


You may optionally allow your OrgLeaderOnly users to access all users in the database, only when using the mobile app for taking attendance. If you want to allow lay leaders with OrgLeadersOnly role to be able to search and find anyone in the database in order to add the person as a guest, toggle this to True. Without this setting, an OrgLeadersOnly user will be limited to viewing only those people in the Involvements they lead - either Members, Recent Guests, or Prospects - or anyone for which they have been assigned a Task.


To enable Easy Sign in for your custom mobile app, toggle this to True.

MyData Access


This will allow MyData Users to access the Picture Directory by an option on the Profile menu.


When this setting has a value = true, MyData users will not see the Giving tab on their records and the records of family members. When the setting does not exist or has a value = false, MyData users will be able to see their Giving tab.

See also

Giving Tab


Add this setting with the value = true if you do not want My Data users to be able to view the Profile tab on their own people records or that of their family members.


Add this setting wih the value = true if you do not want My Data users to see the Member Badge on their people record or the Member Status for immediate family members in the family list.


If you would like for My Data users to be able to edit the Campus on their own people records and that of family members, add this Setting with the value equal true. This also allows any other user to edit his own Campus.

See also

New Users And Roles - specifically EditCampus role



If you are using ShowCampusOnRegistration, you must also add this Setting to indicate which Campuses you want to offer as options for a new record. This applies only to the drop down that displays when a registrant creates a new record during an online registration. Enter the Campus ID #s separated by a comma without any spaces. You can enter all the Campuses or only a select few. See paragraph below regarding ShowCampusOnRegistration.


Enter the name of a role as the value for this setting to limit who can see registration history to only those who have that role. You may want to use this setting if you have registrations for sensitive Involvements that themselves are limited to a role.


You may optionally allow your users to register members in the Related Family households. Enter 1 to allow users to register members of the related families. Enter 2 to allow users to register related families of the related families.


Add this Setting and enter whatever text you want to display in place of the default Register Someone Else button just before someone completes their registration. For example: Click to Register Another Person. This affects all online registrations in the database, so be sure to make the text appropriate.

Require Account Code on Registration

Set to true to require all registrations to have the Account Code setting filled if a fee is used.


This setting determines how long a registration will stay active before timing out. The default is 180000 milliseconds, which is 180 seconds (3 minutes). The timer is reset on every keystroke (not mouse clicks), so in essence the 3 minutes does not start counting until you quit typing. So, if all you are doing it clicking, it could timeout.

If you want to change it, enter a number that is bigger or smaller than the default of 180000. Do not use punctuation.


You can also use the Timeout setting on a specific Involvement, in order to set a different timeout just for that online registration.


Add this Setting and set it to true if you want only an Admin user to be able to relax requirements for an Online Registration. With this Setting, other users do not even see those options on the Registration tab.

See also

Registration Settings Tab - the Relaxed Requirements Section


Set this to the number of minutes for which a SendLink expires. The default is 30.


With this setting added and the vale set to true, all new records that are added during an online registration will be presented with a drop down to select a Campus. The registrant will be required to make a selection, unless you check the option on the Registration > Registration tab of the Involvement labeled NotReqCampus. This option only displays if you have ShowCampusOnRegistration in the Settings. when you add this Setting you must also add CampusIds in order to indicate which Campuses you want displayed. See above paragraph regarding CampusIds.


Toggle to True to turn on Event Ticketing. Contact Support for further assistance.



Add this with a value of true to enable the Resources feature on your database.

Small Group Finder Map & Family Map

General Settings

Google Geocode API Key

Enter the value from the key named touchpoint-gmap.

See also

Small Group Finder - Embedding a Map for use with the Small Group Finder
Family Mapping for use with Family Mapping

Small Group Finder Map Settings

Google Maps API Key

Enter the value from the key named touchpoint-geocode.

Secure Profile Pictures

By default, files and images on the database cannot be viewed unless you are logged in. If you need profile photos to be viewable in the Small Group Finder, even by those who are not logged in, give this setting a value of false.

Load All Extra Values

By default, the Small Group Finder utilizes only extra values that begin with the prefix SGF:. Set this to true to load all extra values for use with the finder. You might do this so that you can make use of pre-existing extra values that were created without the SGF: prefix.

Map Pin Text Color

Use this setting to set the text color within the Small Group Finder map pin (hexadecimal RGB).

Family Map Settings

Enable Nightly Geocoding

When set to True, this enables the Geocoding feature on your church’s TouchPoint database. For this feature to work, you must have an API Key in place in the Google Geocode API Key setting (see below).

Max Geocoded Addresses Per Day

You may configure the maximum number of addresses to geocode each night. This setting is helpful if you want to limit your usage (and costs) of the Geocoding API key.

Status Flags

Badge Color Emergency Contact

Use this to set the color of the emergency contact badge.

Badge For Emergency Contact

Setting to true will enable a badge that displays the person’s emergency contact if one exists.


This color is used as the Position in Family badge color.

Checkin Pic Border

Set this toggle to True if you want to use profile picture borders on the Check-In screen. Colors will match the person’s status flag colors.

Engagement Chart Y-label

Set the value for the label of the Y axis in the engagement graph on a people record.

Engagement Chart Y-value

Set the maximum value of the Y axis in the engagement graph on a people record.

Engagement Information Role

Choose the role(s) from the dropdown to provide access to the Engagement Report, Engagement Score tab, Engagement Badge, and related Search Builder conditions.


Set the opacity level of the profile border when using the Checkin Pic Border. 1=not transparent, .5=50% see-through, 0-completely transparent.

Show Engagement Score

Enable the ability to see the actual Engagement Score number when hovering on the graph or viewing the Engagement Score badge.


This color is used as the Campus badge color.


This color is used as the Member Status badge color.


This color is used for the Do Not Call/Mail/Visit badges.


This color is used for the Engagement Score badge.




Enter the number of days in the future to search for data from eSPACE to be synced. The default is 60.


Set to True to enable eSPACE integrations.


Enter the eSPACE password to use for the integration.


Enter the eSPACE username (email) to use for the integration.

Ministry By Text


Enter the Client ID provided to you by Ministry By Text.


Enter the Client Secret code provided to you by Ministry By Text.


Toggle to True to enable the MBT Direct Chat feature.


Toggle to True to enable the integration with MBT.

Protect My Ministry


This setting must be in the database and set to true in order to use the Protect My Ministry integration.


Add this setting and and enter true as the Value if you want to use labels from your Protect My Ministry account. You must also add these labels to the Lookups.


By default, this is empty. If you use the integration with Protect My Ministry for background checks, enter the Api key as provided by Protect My Ministry.



Setting this to true will limit imported Push Pay items to only look for a match of the transaction ID and ignore the amount. This is useful if splits are made in TouchPoint that are not reflected in Push Pay and will prevent duplicate transactions from importing.


By default Pushpay contributions are imported into bundles of type Online. To change this, enter the bundle type that should be used instead.


When set to True, imported bundles will be closed. When False, bundles will be left open for review.


When set to True, the nightly import of Pushpay contributions is enabled. By default, contributions from all Merchant IDs in the account will be imported. To limit the import to a single Merchant ID, enter a Payments Import setting on the Payment Gateway Setup page (Administration > Setup: Payment Gateways).


When set to True, Pushpay contributions will be imported by transaction date, even if the transactions have not yet been settled. When set to False (the default), Pushpay contributions are not imported until they are in a settlement batch.


This sets the earliest date when TouchPoint will check for new Pushpay contributions to import. The batch service automatically sets this each night, but it can be set here to query (or requery) Pushpay for older data.


When set to True, the import will include Pushpay transactions that are not yet part of a batch or settlement.



Enter the API key for your Rackspace account.


Enter the URL for your Rackspace container.


Enter the Username for your Rackspace account.



The reply that is sent to incoming texts when the phone number is unrecognized.


If you are using the integration with Twilio for SMS (text) messaging, you will get this ID# from your Twilio account. Enter it as the value.


If you are using the integration with Twilio for SMS (text) messaging, you will get this token from your Twilio account. Enter it as the value.



Auto-check Soft Credit if Associated

WARNING: Setting to true will automatically associate any transaction from a donor that has a soft credit association already. This will impact editing prior transactions from donors. It is not recommended to us this setting if not all transactions from a donor should be associated as a soft credit. Non-contribution items are not able to be soft credits.

Auto Close Online Batches

Set this to True to automatically close daily online batches.


This is needed only for those churches using Vanco for online giving. Add this Setting ID and enter vanco as the Setting Value.


This setting, located in the Contributions section of the System tab, when set to True, will cause the campus code to be shown for a person in the search box when entering a donor while posting contributions. The campus code will appear after the parentheses-enclosed age that follows the name. If no age is available, the campus code will appear after the name.


Set to True to hide the check images on a person’s Giving tab.


Enter the appropriate value from the Batch Report, Batch Report 2, or Batch Report 3.


Enter the appropriate value from the Batch Report recipe.

See also

Batch Report


Enter the appropriate value from the Batch Report recipe.


Choose a default type from the dropdown for new batches created manually or through check scanning. Types cannot be added or edited.


Enter the value of the Fund ID that will be the default when creating new batches either manually or through the check scanning process.

See also

Fund Management


Choose a default source from the dropdown for new batches created manually or through check scanning. Sources can be edited or added in Lookup Codes. If Editing existing source codes, the description should match the meaning of the original description.

Donor Covers Fees


This is the base fee you want to recoup for ACH when the donor covers the fee.


This is the percent fee you want to recoup for ACH when the donor covers the fee.


This is the base fee you want to recoup for credit cards when the donor covers the fee.


This is the percent fee you want to recoup for credit cards when the donor covers the fee.


You may optionally check the box for the donor to cover the fee by default.


This setting turns on the Donor Covers Fees feature on all giving pages.

Giving Tab


If your donors give through an external giving service rather than through TouchPoint, add this setting and enter as its value the URL to your recurring giving site. This will configure the link for managed giving on a donor’s Giving tab to point to your external giving service.


If your donors give through an external giving service rather than through TouchPoint, add this setting and enter as its value the URL to your one-time giving site. This will configure the Make a One Time Gift button on a donor’s Giving tab to point to your external giving service.


If your donors make pledges through an external pledging service rather than through TouchPoint, add this setting and enter as its value the URL to your pledging site. This will configure the Make a Pledge button on a donor’s Giving tab to point to your external pledging service.

See also

Online Giving Setup for the section on External Giving Links

User Sees Fund Set on Giving Tab

If set to True, any user when viewing their own giving tab will see the Summary and Detail view organized by Fund Set, not Fund. If a fund is not in a fund set, then funds will be listed individually.

Online Giving

Custom Note

Use this setting to edit the default custom note text on One Time gifts.

Maximum Gift

The maximum dollar amount allowed for a one-time or recurring gift. If empty, there will be no limit.

Minimum Gift

The minimum dollar amount allowed for a one-time or recurring gift. If empty, the minimum will be $1.01.

Note Default Open

Set to true and the note box for all funds with notes turned on will default to open instead of the “+ Note” option.

Set Bank Account Default

You may optionally make the bank account the default payment method for online giving.

Special Giving Funds Header

Add this setting code and enter the text you want for the header above the special funds as the value, if you do not want to use the default. This is applicable only if your church is using the Special Online Giving funds (those with a sort order of 100 and greater). This is only applicable on legacy giving.

Use Multiple Touchpoint Gateways

Enables the configuration and use of multiple TouchPoint gateways.

Use Savings Account

You only need this if the bank for any of your donors requires a flag inside the transaction to let them know it is using a Savings account. This also requires an Ad Hoc Extra value be added to the donor’s record.

Enable Failed Transaction Limit

In order to prevent credit card testing fraud, whenever a user attempts a set number of failed transactions within a given time period, he or she will be blocked from attempting additional transactions. This setting determines whether or not this protection is enabled. Default: false


In order to prevent credit card testing fraud, whenever a user attempts a set number of failed transactions within a given time period, he or she will be blocked from attempting additional transactions. This setting determines the number of failed transactions that trigger the block. Default: 3

Failed Transaction Time Frame

In order to prevent credit card testing fraud, whenever a user attempts a set number of failed transactions within a given time period, he or she will be blocked from attempting additional transactions. This setting determines the number of minutes during which the failed transaction must occur to initiate the block. Default: 15

Failed Transaction Block Time

In order to prevent credit card testing fraud, whenever a user attempts a set number of failed transactions within a given time period, he or she will be blocked from attempting additional transactions. This setting determines the length of time during which the user is blocked once the alert is triggered. Default: 60

Failed Transaction Ignored IPs

This comma-delimited list of IPs will be excluded from the failed transaction velocity check. This can be used to prevent your church’s IPs from being velocity checked.

See also

Online Giving Setup - see Savings Accounts for Online Giving section

Enable Failed Transaction Limit

In order to prevent credit card testing fraud, whenever a user attempts a set number of failed transactions within a given time period, he/she will be blocked from attempting additional transactions. This setting determines whether or not this protection is enabled. Default: false.


In order to prevent credit card testing fraud, whenever a user attempts a set number of failed transactions within a given time period, he/she will be blocked from attempting additional transactions. This setting determines the number of failed transactions that trigger the block. Default Value: 3.

Failed Transaction Time Frame

In order to prevent credit card testing fraud, whenever a user attempts a set number of failed transactions within a given time period, he/she will be blocked from attempting additional transactions. This setting determines the number of minutes during which the failed transaction must occur to initiate the block. Default Value: 15.

Failed Transaction Block Time

In order to prevent credit card testing fraud, whenever a user attempts a set number of failed transactions within a given time period, he/she will be blocked from attempting additional transactions. This setting determines the length of time during which the user is blocked once the alert is triggered. Default Value: 60.

Failed Transaction Ignored IPs

This comma-delimited list of IPs will be excluded from the failed transaction velocity check; this can be used to prevent your church IPs from being velocity checked.



If the Enable Direct Pledge to Pledge Payment setting is True when a user clicks NEXT (and after the form posts its update), the user should be taken immediately to a page to set up their recurring gift. This setting is intended to work with recurring pledges.


Enter as this setting’s value the fund ID(s) for which you would like summaries displayed when posting contributions in a batch. If you enter multiple fund IDs, separate them with commas but no spaces. For example 301,412.


This setting toggles on and off the Make a Pledge button on a profile’s Giving tab. Set it to True to display the button or to False to hide the button.


In places where a pledge balance is shown, the balance will be displayed as a negative number if someone gave more than what was pledged.


If your church tracks Pledges, you have the option to display the pledge or not to display it once the pledge has been met. The default is to not show the Pledge if the person has fulfilled his Pledge and the Fund is still Open. Add the setting ShowPledgeIfMet and set the value to true if you want to show the Pledge. Once you close the Fund Pledges will no longer display on the Statement.


Instead of making one-time pledges, this allows the donor to make pledges on a schedule, similar to recurring giving.



This allows you to set Annually as one of the Recurring Giving options.


This allows you to set BiWeekly as one of the Recurring Giving options.


This allows you to set Quarterly as one of the Recurring Giving options.


This allows you to set SemiMonthly as one of the Recurring Giving options.


This setting, found in the Contributions section under the System tab, is True by default. If set to False, recurring giving will not be automatically run each morning.


The list of Finance People who will receive the Recurring Giving email notifications.


By default, this is set to false and these notices are sent only to the Online Notify Person(s) on the Online Giving Involvements. If you prefer for all users with Finance role to receive these, change the value to true.


The settings below are found on the Finance tab, in the Statements section.


Set this to True to have this flag set automatically for all new records added to the database.


To make custom statements available electronically, so that donors can download them from their profiles, set this to True.


Set this to the minimum dollar amount required for a contribution statement to generate, such as 5 or 200. Churches that send statements every quarter may set this to a higher amount for the first 3 quarters to avoid sending statements to children. Then the amount can be lowered for the yearly statement to include everyone. If value is left Empty, the default will be $5.


Contribution statements will still be generated for people with Gift-in-Kind contributions, even if they fall below the amount specific in this setting.

Non-Tax Statements

Contribution statements have been designed primarily as tax documents and so, by default, are generated only when the donor has tax deductible gifts in the statement period. If, however, you want to generate statements also for donors who have only non-tax deductible gifts in the period, change the setting Non-tax Statements to True. If you select this option, make sure your statement template includes sections for non-tax deductible items.


Change this setting to True if you want the names of joint statements to read as follows: first and last name of the head of household, followed by the first and last name of the spouse. Examples: John Smith and Mary Smith; or Frank Jones and Janet Williams-Jones.

Pledge Only Statements

Contribution statements have been designed primarily as tax documents and so, by default, are generated only when the donor has tax deductible gifts in the statement period. If, however, you want to generate statements also for donors who have no contributions during the period but do have open pledges, change the setting Pledge Only Statements to True. If you select this option, be sure your statement template includes a pledge summary section.


Change this setting to False if you want contribution statements to print (when printing All Statements), even if the record has no address. By default, if there is no address, a statement will not generate, except from the individual’s record.


This applies only to churches that have set up CustomStatements for printing contribution statements for multiple 501c3 organizations. Add a value for this Setting if you want to change the name of the standard set from Standard Statements to something else.

Latest Update


Added Failed Transaction settings